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Monday 1 February 2010

One month to decide Zulkifli and Zahrain's fate - Malaysiakini

The PKR disciplinary committee has given itself one month to decide on the actions which will be taken against two of its elected representative - Zulkifli Noordin (Kulim) and Zahrain Mohd Hashim (Bayan Baru).

pkr meeting 310110 anwar 01The party's de-facto leader Anwar Ibrahim (left) told this to reporters after chairing PKR's central committee meeting at the Tropicana Golf and Country Resort in Petaling Jaya earlier today.

However, he denied that the lenghty time frame meant that PKR was being lackadaisical, on the contrary he reiterated that the matter is being taken seriously.

Anwar also said PKR strongly rejected Zahrain's attack on Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng and regarded his outburst as a deplorable act.

He added: "The disciplinary committee had already convened its first meeting to discuss the matter. We listened to views (during the meeting) that desired stern and quick action.

"However, in PKR and Pakatan Rakyat we have rules as well as a party constitution, which we must follow.

pkr meeting 310110 01"We must also give some room for the accused to defend themselves," said Anwar.

The Permatang Pauh MP also revealed that there were complaints about Pakatan coordinator Zaid Ibrahim (above) for his criticisim of the leadership, and the disciplinary committee has begun investigations into the allegations against the former de-facto law minister.

'Umno enticing PKR reps'

Anwar also revealed that Umno is mounting a campaign to 'entice' several of PKR's parliamentarians, including Indera Mahkota MP Azan Ismail and Balik Pulau representative Yusmadi Yusof.

He said Umno's enticement initiative is being led by former minister Jamaludin Jarjis and Parti Cinta Malaysia leader Huan Cheng Guan.

NONE"This campaign by Jamaludin (left) at Umno's behest is to steal our parliamentarians. This is a corrupt and heinous act.

"But because Azan did not entertain them, no mention was made about how many millions (he was being offered)," he added.

According to Anwar, Azan has been contacted by several times on his hand phone to entice him to leave the opposition party.

"The enticements, the plans to seize Selangor, to indict its MB Khalib Ibrahim, to buy over MPs and state assemblypersons are part of a plan to be carried out before the Chinese New Year, to take advantage of the two week lull during the festivities," said Anwar.

Met by Malaysiakini after the meeting, Azan confirmed the alleged 'enticement' but said that he will not make a report to the Malaysian Anti Corruption Committee (MACC) because he viewed it as just a "friendly" invitation.

Huan, meanwhile, refuted Anwar's claims and denied he had ever asked Zahrain and Yusmadi to join PCM.

He admitted that both of the Penang PKR' MPs are his 'good friends' and kept contact with each other to 'minum teh'.

As for Azan, Huan said this was the first time he had touched base with him just to ask about his welfare.

"Just because I'm in contact doesn't mean that I'm asking them to join PCM. Same applies when they call me. It doesn't mean they are asking to join PKR," said Huan.

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