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Monday 1 February 2010

Batu Caves: 4 Blind PKR mandores’ of Selangor MB peanuts politics of RM50,000.00.


Just check the demeaneuor of the Selangor PKR EXCO mandore in white vashty (as we predicted) in Malaysiakini TV on 30/1/10 vis a vis his “prostrations” and “salutations” to his “Tuan” MB of Selangor. It only reminds us of the way the immediate past MIC Selangor EXCO mandore “prostrated” to his UMNO “Tuan” MB Selangor.

Giving out piecemeal handouts of RM50.000.00 to Tamil Schools and Hindu Temples is no real and permanent solution to the Indian problems in Selangor. By the stroke of his pen of the Selangor MB can grant land to all Hindu temples and crematoriums, Tamil Schools, squatters and Indian settlements in Selangor. It would not only offer a permanent solution but about half of the critical Indian problems in Selangor would be solved.

The Selangor “Tuan” MB has 100% powers to solve this Indian problem. But he would not do so. Because PKR, DAP and PAS think they may lose Malay votes so never mind the Indian suffering!. How then is he any different from previous UMNO regime under MB Khir Toyo.

To compound matters we now have four blind follower PKR Indian mandores in Selangor to implement PKR’s mandorism policies against the Selangor Indians in particular.

We are not even asking these four PKR Indian mandores to resign or even publicly ask their “Tuan” why state land is denied to all Hindu temples and crematoriums, all 98 Tamil Schools and Indian squatters and settlements.

All what we are asking for is for them to put an end to the 53 year old UMNO’s and now ably continued by PKR, DAP and PAS mandore policy using the MIC and to move on.

If you cannot help just, keep your MPs’ and Exco jobs by all means but we are not going to tolerate any forms of mandorism to further continue to cheat the Indians who have suffered enough for 53 long years. Especially through the conduit pipe of the three Tamil dailies.

Confucius once said that a thousand mile journey begins with a single step. If the “Tuan” Selangor MB, Anwar Ibrahim, Kapitan Lim Guan Eng and Hadi Awang deliberately refuses to permanently solve even this aforesaid Indian state land problem which is 100% within their powers just because they may lose Malay votes then the Indians cannot expect PKR, DAP or PAS to address the scores of the other critical Indian problems.

Where do we go from here then? Self help. The Indian Political empowerment:-

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