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Friday 22 January 2010

Sultan summons PAS MP Khalid Samad - Malaysiakini

Selangor Sultan Sharafuddin Idris has summoned Shah Alam MP Khalid Samad to his palace, and speculation is rife that it could be related to the allegation that the outspoken PAS leader had disrespected the monarch.

NONEOn Monday, 16 police reports were filed against Khalid (right) after he accused state Islamic bodies Jais and Mais of being involved in the demonstration held at the Shah Alam mosque two weeks ago over the High Court's Allah ruling.

Following this, Khalid was criticised for disrespecting the sultan since the two bodies fall under royal jurisdiction.

When contacted, Khalid confirmed that he has been summoned to meet the ruler.

The PAS leader said he had submitted a letter two months ago to have an audience with the Sultan to get his vision and wisdom over the state capital's development.

However, he did not discount the possibility that the Sultan might also ask him to explain his position regarding the Allah issue.

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