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Wednesday 30 December 2009

When will we change?

Here are the facts:
1. Why we need 1700 temples for only 3 million Indians in Malaysia? Its does not makes sense but we still continue to build temple and fight for it. We only have 450 Tamil schools in Malaysia and its getting lesser.
2. Every Friday, temples in the cities earn minimum of $500 ($2000 per month), no electricity bill and no water bill. Tamil schools get $50 per child per year and pays electricity bill, water bill, teacher’s salary and maintenance every month.
3. Most temples in cities are renovated, air conditioned and owns a beautiful wedding hall. Tamil schools was build in 1970's and still remain the same with broken table and chairs, spoiled fan and lights, buku pinjaman thorned, bad environment for student and teachers. Have you seen one Tamil school fully air conditioned except the HM room?
4. $2 million Batu Caves Lord Muruga Statue build by Indians with donation money by Indian people, minimum $10 million spend every year during Thaipusam by devotes (this is the reason the Devotees are worse ignorant person). Why blame government for not giving allocation fund for Tamil school, why can't we just pay $1 for praying and $9 for Tamil School?
5. Minimum $200 spend by Indian alcoholics on every weekend for clubbing and entertainment. When ask for donation of $5 for Tamil School, we ran away or ignore.
6. In every Indian house there is TV, HI-FI Radio, CD/DVD player and the classic Astro. They have watched all the latest Tamil movie even it's not out in theatre yet. Our children have to get buku pinjaman, no revision book, never or maybe once been to bookstore, never encourage them to take up piano class, violin class, swimming or language class other than those offered in school. No computer at home with reason can't afford one.
These are some of the issue that we ignore and still doing it. Some of you might have considered Tamil Education is a waste of time, for the rest of Indians are we still going to ignore it or make a change?
Please don't forget that in the 80's, Chinese schools and Tamil Schools were in the same level as Sekolah Jenis Kebangsaan. There were more students in Tamil Schools and the infrastructure was same for both schools.
But today, look at Chinese Schools and compare it with our Tamil Schools (sigh). Please take note that Chinese Schools most of it are 100% non-government support. For your info, our government is trying their level best to abolish these two schools, their dream are coming true for Tamil Schools but not for Chinese Schools.
If you really care, just spend 2 minutes and take a look at any Chinese Schools nearby your house. You can see the parents will be waiting in their Mercedes, BMW, Toyota, Honda and even motorbike to pick up their kids from school back home.
I have never ever seen any Indian parents with their Mercedes, BMW, Honda or Toyota waiting for their kids outside Tamil Schools. Maybe there is, we can't see them.....Invisible.
Please think.........and do something


Anonymous said...

What is there to do. All that we can do is talk at warong kopi only. What are our leaders doing. They are fighting for leadership, money and power. This statement goes for everyone of them. The Malaysian Indians will only be saved with a true leader who doesn't abandon the sinking ship.

Our existing leaders may speak about Mahatma Gandhi and all but when it comes to work it is a different story all together.

My personal experience in getting together some Indian youths in my place ended with some thugs spreading rumours about me. Being a housewife I back out from helping the youths.

What can be said about our society. They prefer to hear what some so called leaders saying rather then investigating it.

AS long as there are people poisoning the minds with some sensational stories , so long they will not be united.

I also not against temples but the main question is which is more important. A place of education seems more in need then unvisited temples.

Think about it. I am all for uplifting of Malaysian Indians. We need more active member of parliment, more outspoken teachers, honest community leader, and most of all alert parent.

Good day

Anonymous said...

Yes, a step by step execution and mass exercise of the federal govt to abolish the Tamil education, where almost all Indians took shelter from is taking place.But now social class and caste had cast an evil spell in the hearts of so called Indians,dont anyone understand without Tamil education roots or the sylabus in the secondary level, all the so called M'sian Indians will be called,,Dan Lain-lain,,Others,, in 2 years time as commited by the so called democratic govt. of Malaysia. Where is the M'sian Indians courage to defend the rights given by the British during M'sia independance? Just some water sprayed and smoke balls during Hindraf rally had made all Indians scared to question their rights? Are we born to live a coward style of accepting the discriminations till the roots of Tamil, is being eliminated step by step. These education are grassroots of all Indians right at M'sia, if the roots are chopped and the tree falls, M'sian Indians will become similar or lower graded then Indonesian or Bangladeshis by year 2020! Wawasan 2020 to eliminate the roots of Tamils and Chinese in M'sia. The roots of our pride is Tamil education which stands as the M'sian Indians great big tree.

Anonymous said...

actually ure msg was rite we ran away from donation but from my point of view we ran because we dont know issit the money goin the school or not? so i think better we go straight and donate the school somehow most of chinese is wealth so they can effort to luxurous life, talking about chinese when they first came to malaysia they are nothing just a labour for kuari but now they own the kuari, indians when they came working in estate and labour for builds roads now they still the same why?? sorry if iits hurts and some of indians i mean youth jobless, im working in a hospitality industry for past 6 years now im somebody, when i called the jobless boys to work they inssist they want the standard working inviroment bcz ive been intereviewing so many ppl, this my point of view im sorry again if its hurts thanks cheers anyway im an indian too happy new year

Anonymous said...

When there is matter of donations we yet to come in terms is it, but when it comes to matter of donations to the temples everyone is obliged and pays a large amount without comments given why? Its the bloody superstitious fenomena that had been cultivated in all Indians mind! If i were a cheat.I would look to getting donations for temples like Thanenthiran, the MMSP-malaysia makkal sakthi party- co-ordinator or traitor truly, but as i am not so will take the right part of producing a transparent record and accounts on the donations for Tamil school!
Lets be frank here b'coz of few indians who refrained from occupying yr co. vacant posts dont embarass the whole Indians by putting in the same shoes. Its like a slap in face with a shoe if you mentioned that Indians are selective, pls dont underestimate the Indians or Tamils as we belong to a disciplined way of life in and out of social interests! Happy new year and lets get the the donations to proof to Chinese that Indians can also establish a education status whether rich or poor!

Anonymous said...

I agree to the comments above as i belonged in the same group of scared people, but now i feel like i have the balls to defend the position of Tamil schools and also show to Chinese we can remove the class systems between us and also the language borders between us, even though i am a Malayali i had a formal education in Tamil school which made me a highly inteligent and respectable person but those Indians who opposed going to Tamil schools but went to malay schools are living in Slums and acting like Milionares, Slumdog Milionaire part 2 i think, Yah so i would like to know how will the donation take place and the transparency be shown to us? I guess the dog shit eating MIC mandor's are truly traitors and worth no wote from Tamils especialy for their self enrichment during this period when Tamil being removed from National Sylabus, No indians have balls to argue or at least perform rally to show their protest, scared after being sprayed water or smoke?

Anonymous said...

Alternative for Fund Collection:

I being in IT industry, I strongly believe that with a proper website the e.g :

we can collect & channel the funds accordingly. Its not the issue about donating the money for most of us. Just that we fear that our money is not channeled to the rightful person and being misused for personal purpose or etc.

With a nice & appealing website we can actually accomplish this. After sometime once there is sufficient enough traffic to the site, it is also possible for the site to generate income by its own. Which we eventually could contribute to the needy tamil schools. Besides that we can reach all the Indian-Tamil people all around the world.