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Wednesday 30 December 2009

Makkal leader: Silence is best

KUALA LUMPUR: Embattled Malaysia Makkal Sakti Party president R.S. Thanenthiran yesterday broke his silence on the call for an extraordinary general meeting, saying his deputy and secretary-general were using "jungle rule".
"Who are they to call for the EGM? Do they have the list of central committee members who support the EGM?

"If they have, show me the proof. They cannot have jungle rule."

Last week, deputy president A. Vathemurthy and party secretary-general R. Kannan said the party would hold its first EGM in 90 days to elect a new president as members felt the party was lifeless under Thanenthiran's leadership.

They said a resignation letter would be sent to Thanenthiran and the EGM would convene whether the president agreed or disagreed to step down.

The decision was made after 15 of the 27 CC members held a meeting under a canopy in front of the party headquarters in Shah Alam where three motions were passed, including the decision to hold the EGM.

Thanenthiran said the group did not follow the party constitution and he would put a stop to the problem when all CC members were in the country.

"I'm taking steps to correct the situation and will meet everyone soon. Most of the CC members are abroad and will only be back tomorrow.

"But for now, silence is the best truth," he said, adding he would not quit as it would seem like he was condoning an illegal meeting if he did.

Earlier, when contacted, Vathemurthy said the party had posted two letters and sent another two by hand to Thanenthiran's house and shop, demanding that he resign as president.

He claimed that Thanenthiran accepted one letter at his house in Penang but immediately tore it up and used vulgar words on the senders.

"He even called them dogs and told them not to come to his house," said Vathemurthy.

He said the EGM was expected to be held in February.

Thanenthiran denied receiving such a letter, saying his deputy was spreading lies.

"I have never spoken dirty words in my life. Moreover, this is my fasting period."

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