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Wednesday 30 December 2009

Nik Aziz Confirms Resignation Of His Political And Press Secretaries

KOTA BAHARU, Dec 29 (Bernama) -- Kelantan Menteri Besar Datuk Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat on Tuesday confirmed that his political secretary Annual Bakhri Haron and press secretary Mohd Saiba Yaakub had tendered their resignation as their term of contract had expired.

Nik Aziz, the PAS adviser also denied allegations that their resignation was due to an internal conflict in PAS.

According to the Menteri Besar, since both posts were political appointments, they (Annual Bakhri and Mohd Saiba) can be replaced once their term of contract expired.

"I can confirm that Annual Bakhri had submitted his letter of resignation and I have received it this morning, so has Mohd Saiba," he told reporters after chairing the Kelantan PAS Dewan Harian at his official residence here.

He added that it was up to the duo to vacate their offices in accordance with the terms spelled out under the contract of their service.

Nik Aziz also denied irresponsible reports by some bloggers that senior exco Datuk Husam Musa would also tender his resignation.

Labelling some bloggers as irresponsible, he also urged journalists and writers to be ethical in their reporting as unethical reporting may cause unnecessary friction in the state.

He also stated that PAS in Kelantan would continue its tradition of fielding candidates from outside the state, to contest for posts during the election, just like what was practiced in the 1970s.

"PAS in Kelantan still need the services of candidates from outside the state because as far as PAS is concerned, there is no difference between a candidate from Kelantan or outside because Islam does not segregate those from any state," he said.

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