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Sunday 8 November 2009

PRS 30 Will Be Party's Future Flag Bearers - Masing

KUCHING, Nov 8 (Bernama) -- Parti Rakyat Sarawak (PRS), a state Barisan Nasional (BN) component party, will spearhead its move to recruit and groom young people as future flag bearers following the launch of PRS 30.

Its president Datuk Seri Dr James Masing said the party's supreme council agreed that there was a need to groom young leaders to take over from the current ones, mostly veteran politicians who had gone through the baptism of fire and survived to tell the tale.

"In keeping them interested in our struggle and recruiting them into the youth and the women wings of the party, they will be PRS flag bearers for the future," he said at the launch by Chief Minister and state BN chairman Tan Sri Abdul Taib Mahmud in conjunction with the party's 5th anniversary here last night.

He was confident that the succession in PRS would continue uninterrupted in the years ahead as the young people would then replace the current leaders, thus filling the vacuum.

This group of young Sarawakians, below aged 30, were not only educated but highly motivated, and if given the correct environment and directions would be real assets to the nation in a very positive way, he said.

"Some of these young people are sons and daughters of PRS members and former members, products of Sarawak government scholarships, recipients of Bakun Trust Fund while some are beneficiaries of Yayasan TERAS."

Dr Masing said PRS 30 would also be the party's launching pad to recruit and register young people as voters and provide the venue for it to harness and exploit their talents to develop Sarawak.

"A look at the Election Commission's electoral roll shows that Sarawak has no less than eight percent or 74,470 voters are below 30."

PRS, said Dr Masing would play a very critical role, especially in defending rural seats during the coming state election not later than July 2011.

"I believe, the rural seats will be part of the main battle grounds on which the fate of BN in Sarawak will rest as they will determine whether BN will remain relevant," he said, adding that PRS must retain all nine state seats if it wanted to remain credible and continue to play a role in the next BN government.

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