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Sunday 8 November 2009

Hadi declares seminar a success for bright PAS future

By Asrul Hadi Abdullah Sani - The Malaysian

KUALA LUMPUR, Nov 7 – In closing the seminar, party president Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang told the delegates that there will be a light at the end of the tunnel even though many are arguing that his party is facing a leadership crisis.

He compared his party to a football team and stressed that the first half is far from over.

“Just imagine that PAS is like a football team and we have a manager who guides them. Then, we also have the commentators who critique the way we play.

“We should remember however, that there are also people who like to provoke us with throwing firecrackers to the field when we play. But we don’t ever throw the firecrackers back at them,” he said taking a jab at Dr Abdul Aziz Bari's earlier comment.

Aziz Bari had said that the delegates should not criticise him because he was “only a spectator watching a football match.”

He also stressed that the party should not reject the heavy criticism but should be willing to accept them.

“We need to be professional, we are not kampung football players. We should instead thank those who have given us constructive criticisms,” he said.

Earlier PAS vice-president Salahuddin Ayub announced the proposed five point resolution as the delegates were waiting in darkness as a power cut caused to black out half of the building.

The first point is that PAS should strengthened its pact with Pakatan Rakyat and be prepared for the next general election by always being proactive in allowing and sincerely PR to fulfil its promises.

The delegates also wanted the party to be more aggressive in making PAS supporter’s club more active in non-Muslim majority areas.

The proposed resolution also asked the party leadership to solidify party’s stance based on research and ensure that it reaches the grassroots.

The party leadership should also set a clear KPI for the party’s youth and the women’s youth wing to gain support from the young voters.

Finally, the delegates want the party to engage the people and launch a national “PAS for Everyone” campaign.

All the delegates then stood up in show of support and shout, “Allah is great!”

In a press conference held later, Hadi claimed the seminar was a huge success.

He believes that seminar proved that the party is democratic and is willing to accept any criticism.

“The seminar showed that PAS is democratic because it did not only allow party members to give constructive criticism but accepted the advice from non-party members and others,” he said.

He added the delegates showed great spirit and hoped that this would help the party to face future challenges.

“Today we have shown a great spirit when the delegates were able to conduct a lively discussion which was not out of control,” he said.

Hadi also stressed that the issue of unity government is now closed and the party is concentrating on its new partnership with Pakatan Rakyat (PR).

“We are consistent to be with Pakatan Rakyat because we believe in this new ship that we have built and should be further strengthened.

“We no longer want to be with a sinking ship (Umno). It won’t be brought up again because it has been closed, this is PAS and Pakatan Rakyat’s stance,” he said.

He pointed out that the party leadership will never reject the voice of its members but warn that there are “true and false” criticism.

“We are matured to accept criticism. However there is true criticism, and there is false criticism, we will take the true and question the false,” he said.

Hadi rejected pressure from certain groups calling for his resignation over the unity government fiasco.

“We will take full responsibility. Today we received the support and confidence from the delegates from across the country, this will help strengthen our stance,” he said.

He added that Datuk Nik Aziz Nik was not able to attend because he had to go to the hospital.

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