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Monday 23 November 2009

Politicking, even as TBH's body was being exhumed

Updated to include at the end of this posting Dr Peter Vanezis' website and why (I think) we are in good hands.

Original Article:-
How much did the Govt pay Dr Peter Vanezis?
That's what Ean Yong Hian Wah, Selangor exco member and Teoh Beng Hock's employer when he died, demanded to know as they exhumed the body this morning for the second postmortem tomorrow.

Excerpts of what he told Malaysian Insider:

Teoh’s former employer, Selangor state executive councillor Ean Yong Hian Wah, said at the cemetery: “I hope the second autopsy will reveal the truth.”

Yong also stated his desire to know how much the government spent hiring the UK pathologist Dr Peter Vanezis — one of two foreign pathologists, along with Dr Pornthip, who will be observing the second autopsy.

"Dr Vanezis, who serves as a director at the Cameron Centre for Forensic Medical Sciences in London, has handled over 2,000 autopsy cases involving sudden death, of which 1,500 were found to be homicides.

“The fact that they hired a foreign expert shows they have no confidence in the local pathologists,” Yong added.

Yong should stop politicizing TBH's death already. I don't know how much Dr Pornthip or Dr Vanezis are being paid to observe tomorrow's second post-mortem, but I don't care. If they are going to get to the bottom of things and bring justice to everyone involved in TBH's death, it'd be worth every single sen. I hope Yong can agree with that. He should also think before he talks. I don't think hiring Dr Vanezis means "they" had no confidence in the local pathologists. I have been campaigning for another foreign expert to accompany Dr Pornthip simply because "they" won't trust a local. And, by the way Yong, Dr Pornthip is Thai and Selangor government are hiring her. Does that mean the Selangor government have no confidence in local pathologists?

Read the rest at Kit Siang's blog, here.

I'll paste Dr Vanezis' bio here when I find it.

Thanks to commenter
Alizul, you can go to Vanezis' website h e r e.
Some of the high-profiled cases he has been involved in:
  • Investigate the circumstances surrounding the death of Princess Diana

  • Gave opinions for the Presidential Truth Commission in Korea on deaths in custody

  • Investigate the medical evidence of the British Nurses in Saudi Arabia accused of the murder of one of their colleagues

  • Investigate the Railway killer and his accomplice

  • Gave evidence for the Truth and Reconcilliation Council of the Republic of South Africa.

  • Identified the last victim of the Kings Cross fire

  • Led investigation of the death of the Zviad Gamsakhurdia., former Georgian President, thought to have committed suicide.

  • Advisor to the Russian authorities on the identification of the Romanovs.

  • The Tyrolean Iceman

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