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Monday 23 November 2009

Dr. Pornthip being followed by mysterious strangers?

by Nathaniel Tan

Jelas is finally updated to WP 2.8.6, woohoo! That’s been partly the cause of no postings for so many days, sorry! Hopefully a new theme before too long :P


Meanwhile, Gobind said Pornthip had told him that she was being trailed by unknown individuals since her arrival here.

He said he had verbally informed the police on this and also arranged for personal bodyguards for the Thai pathologist.

Selangor police chief DCP Datuk Khalid Abu Bakar, when contacted, said if Pornthip felt her safety was under threat, she should lodge a police report and can be assured police will look into it.

>:| I guess no defenders of justice are safe in Malaysia.

As for our old friend DCP Khalid, I don’t think it should come as any surprise that those who feel themselves likely being followed by cops are likely to lodge a report with the same said cops :P

Anyway, I hope the second post-morterm answers the questions that need answering, and that the reburial tomorrow goes as planned.

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