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Friday 13 November 2009

Najib to personally monitor 2010 Budget implementation

KUALA LUMPUR, Nov 13 — Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak will monitor personally the implementation of the first budget under his administration, namely the 2010 Budget which he tabled in Parliament on Oct 23.

He said the progress of the projects listed under the budget would be closely monitored by the Project Management Unit of the Finance Ministry with the support of the Implementation Coordination Unit to identify and resolve any “roadblocks delaying the completion of these projects”.

"I have also impressed upon the custodians of these initiatives the importance of maintaining proper communications between federal and state authorities to quickly resolve land issues or other issues concerning the state government," said Najib, who is also Finance Minister, in his blog

The 2010 Budget was Najib's maiden budget after taking his oath of office as the country’s sixth Prime Minister on April 3.

Najib said that to ensure the integrity of the implementation, all findings tabled by the Implementation Coordination Unit would be reported via the Economic Council.

"All these efforts are put in place so that the country remains on course to achieve its 2010 GDP (Gross Domestic Product) target.

"It is also in line with the government's commitment to deliver according to the People First, Performance Now concept," he said.

Najib said he had called for a meeting to discuss the budget implementation while attending the Asean Summit in Hua Hin, Thailand, just hours after the 2010 Budget presentation in Parliament.

"This decision is unprecedented. Usually the budget implementation is left up to the Ministry of Finance to execute and monitor.

"However, I believe that as the Prime Minister of all Malaysians, it is vital that I personally supervise the effectuation of the first budget under my administration," he said.

Najib said the main objective of the meeting was to study the implementation strategy for the 2010 Budget and to troubleshoot problem areas at the start.

Present at the meeting were all Cabinet ministers and representatives of the relevant agencies including the Securities Commission, the Governor of Bank Negara, as well as representatives from development corridors and regions, Telecom, Petronas and other major government-linked companies (GLCs).

"It was an arduous task to personally study each initiative, project by project, line by line, but I wanted to ensure all accountable parties are clear on the objectives and goals of each initiative, hence ensuring proper implementation," he said.

Najib also said he hoped that from the meeting there would be no doubt about his serious intention to see the goals of the 2010 Budget were achieved and the government delivery system improved for the long-term benefit of the people. — Bernama

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