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Monday 30 November 2009

Ethnic Cleansing took next step - Barring Language Subject - MPKapar

I have reserved my comments on the limiting Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM) students be allowed to take a maximum of 10 subjects. The rationale given by Minister of Eduction behind the decision was to ensure students had more time for extra-curricular activities. Well how does extra -curricular activities will transform Malaysian into high earning economy?

But why the victim once again, the Indian Language - Tamil Literature. When, their plan to transform Indian Studies Department , University Malaya into Regional Language Department foiled all eyes aimed at Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia. Their ultimate aim is to dissipate Tamil Language from the Malaysian education system.

When, we first sense the government motive of ethnic cleansing by gunning down ” suspected Indian criminals” and selective custodial death , the nation blame us for promoting criminal. Now, they had gone into advance strategy of extinguishing own mother tongue as it’s the core of cultural and religious development of Malaysian Indian.

Recently, the Deputy Prime Minister announces that government plans cottage Industries for addicts. Why , targeting National Narcotics Treatment centre (puspen) and why not similar scheme to train young convicted with robbery and snatch theft. Don’t they too are Human beings that can be trained. That’s double standard as Drug Addicts comprises majority of one race while convicted at Simpang Renggam Prison comprises majority of another one race.

I call up the Barisan Nasional Federal Government to immediately cease their plan of systematic ethnic cleaning by rany means and restoring One Justice for all Malaysian, and allow students freedom to choose subject of their interest.

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