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Monday 30 November 2009

Burning effigy will not help your cause

MALACCA: Human Resources Minister Datuk Dr S. Subramaniam is unperturbed by a group's plan to burn his effigy in Puchong today in protest over the 10-subject limit on students sitting the SPM next year. "They can do whatever they want," he said, adding that the burning of his effigy would not force the government to reconsider its plan to cap the number of subjects a student can take.

The government's move has raised the Indian community's ire as students, especially those in the Science stream, would be unable to take the Tamil Literature paper, which would have been the 11th subject.

Speaking after handing out rewards to 14 pupils from Sekolah Rendah (Tamil) Kubu who scored 7As in the recent Ujian Pencapaian Sekolah Rendah, Dr Subramaniam said the protest could have been due to claims by certain quarters that he was not fighting for the right of the Indian community.

"I have been calling for the government to allow Indian students to take 11 subjects during cabinet meetings and also through the MIC.

"We cannot be emotional when addressing this matter."
Dr Subramaniam said he had on Monday met officers from the Education Ministry, including its director-general Datuk Alimuddin Mohd Dom, on the matter.

"We proposed that the Indian students be allowed to take 11 subjects, which would include Tamil and also Tamil Literature.

"However, the officials counter-proposed that the students wanting to sit these two papers could drop a subject, such as moral education or one of the four science subjects. We are not agreeable to this and this is why we are still in talks with the authorities."

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