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Sunday 11 October 2009

Unfair To Blame MIC For Bn's Defeats, Says Palanivel

PUTRAJAYA, Oct 11 (Bernama) -- It is unfair to blame the MIC for the Barisan Nasional's (BN) defeats in many seats in the 2008 general election as the party is only a "minority" which could not have brought the downfall of the coalition, MIC deputy president Datuk G. Palanivel said.

"On accusations that MIC had failed the Indians and that is why we lost many seats in the last general election, may I say that we are only a minority and how can we alone bring the fall of the strong BN governments in Kedah, Penang, Perak and Selangor.

"Are we also responsible for the PAS victory again and again in Kelantan?" he said in his blog.

He added that in the last general election, there was "an across-the-board multi-racial anger against the BN."

"So it is unfair to make MIC the scapegoat."

Commenting on the Malaysia Makkal Sakti Party (MMSP), launched on Saturday, he said the MIC "was not a new baby" like Makkal Sakti but a 63-year-old party born in a Hindu temple.

The MIC, he said, was created out of an intense fire, which still burned in the heart of every MIC member, and that it was born out of nationalism and a party which is a signatory to the Merdeka Agreement.

"Indians have an emotional link with the MIC. Tunku Abdul Rahman Putra Al-Haj (the country's first Prime Minister) once said 'even if there was only one Indian in the MIC, I would only talk to the MIC'," he said.

Palanivel also said that the party had been going around in the Bagan Pinang (by-election) campaigns.

"I am sure Umno will know who the real workers on the ground are. The Deputy Prime Minister, Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin, saw for himself the work of the MIC at the Sua Betong estate (in Bagan Pinang) and who the real 'sakti' (power in Tamil) is," he said.

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