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Wednesday 1 April 2009

Three-way fight for No. 2 MIC post likely

By : B. Suresh Ram NST

IT looks like the race for the number two post in the MIC may see a three-way fight between incumbent Datuk G. Palanivel, party secretary-general Datuk Dr S. Subramaniam and former deputy president Datuk S. Subramaniam.

Another name being touted for the post in party circles is vice-president Datuk S. Sothinathan.

Palanivel may have the advantage of incumbency (and this does go a long way in politics).

But Dr Subramaniam is the sole cabinet member from the party and has the ear of party president Datuk Seri S. Samy Vellu.

And Samy Vellu's blessings are necessary for anyone to win the post.
Speculation has been rife that the party chief and his current number two are not on good terms and that the party supremo may be looking to someone else to take over from him.

While this may be just dirty politics being practised by detractors, there has been no clear indication that the two are working as closely as they should be.

Another thorn in Palanivel's side of late is opposition to him from some in MIC Youth.

This was evident in MIC Youth National Advisory Council chief S. Ramis' suggestion that Palanivel should not defend his post.

The race for the number two position becomes all the more important as Samy Vellu has announced that his record 11th term as party supremo will be his last.

Whoever takes over will have the heavy responsibility of reviving confidence in the party in the next general election.

Palanivel wrested the No. 2 post in 2006 from Subramaniam who held it for 27 years.

Selangor Youth leader M. Yogeswaran says that although Palanivel had never been tested, he had leadership qualities and good negotiating skills which were necessary to work with other Barisan Nasional component parties.

"Even Samy Vellu at one time said that he was a capable leader," he said.

Few are certain if Subramaniam is really keen on coming back to the position he first assumed in 1981.

The former deputy minister was non-committal when asked on Sunday whether he would contest. "I want to see what the situation is like. A lot of thought has to be put in."

But Samy Vellu said yesterday his former deputy told him he was interested in contesting the post again.

Dr Subramaniam may be seen as a dark horse, given his relatively recent rise to national politics but he is in the news almost daily as human resources minister and this is definitely a point in his favour.

A party insider said some felt it would be beneficial for the community to have someone in the cabinet as the party number two and eventually number one.

"It would be good for the MIC and Indians if Dr Subramaniam becomes the deputy president as he is the sole cabinet member from the party."

As a minister, he is able to raise issues concerning the community at cabinet meet- ings. The skin specialist is also well-liked by most and has come up step by step in the party.

He was one of only three MIC candidates who managed to retain their parliamentary seats in the March 8 general election last year. The others were Datuk S. Saravanan and Datuk S.K. Devamany.

"He is keeping mum at the moment," an MIC leader said on indications of whether the doctor was intending to go for the post.

Party vice-president, Datuk S. Sothinathan, the other potential candidate, is also believed to be interested in vying for the spot.

"Chances are that he is seriously thinking of going ahead and contesting the post but the drawback is that he does not hold any government post," a branch leader said.

The process of electing the deputy president, three vice-presidents and 23 central working committee members will take place at the MIC general assembly in September


Subra keen on making comeback

Datuk Seri S. Samy Vellu and Datuk S. Subramaniam meeting in Sungai Petani.
Datuk Seri S. Samy Vellu and Datuk S. Subramaniam meeting in Sungai Petani.

SUNGAI PETANI: Former MIC deputy president Datuk S. Subramaniam has confirmed his intention of contesting the party's number two position, MIC president Datuk Seri S. Samy Vellu said yesterday.

"Datuk Subra wants to contest. He told me that," he said.

Samy Vellu said he had also come to know that vice-president Datuk S. Sothinathan, dubbed as his "chosen one", would also be going for the number two position.

However, he clarified that he had not heard it from Sothinathan himself.

Samy Vellu said some quarters also wanted Human Resources Minister and party secretary-general Datuk Dr S. Subramaniam to go for the post.
He did not rule out the possibility of "outsiders" also deciding to join in the fray but declined to elaborate.

On whether incumbent deputy president Datuk G. Palanivel would succeed him, Samy Vellu jokingly said that if he were to die tomorrow, Palanivel would be the one to lead the party.

"I have said that I will hand over to my successor who will be the deputy president. There is no change in my mind."

He also denied that caste would be a determining factor in who will be the next deputy president. "We have never practised this."


Unknown said...

Dato Subra is a spent-force while Dr Subra is a filler who came to occupy a high seat by accident of history. Sothi's name has been linked with Maika share scandal.

Read the book on Dato Palanivel by Baradan to understand his leadership qualities and his quiet work without fanfare. MIC should thank Palanivel for getting rid of the dead-wood that Dato Subra was. Now that Samy is surely and steadily on his way out, all the grass that was wilfully prevented from growing can now grow. In these times, we need a leader with people's interest in his heart.Who is the one person who is scandal free, untainted, works quietly, and gets results?

Anonymous said...

if dato palanivel was such a great man he would never have lost his hulu selangor seat.. dr.subra is the only senior official of MIC who managed to win his seat. palanivel only managed to beat Subra because of the support of Samy and only because samy wanted dato subra out! it is time for the MIC to have mr.clean dr.subra at the helm.seriously it's great that finally someone with proper academic qualifications. good luck to him!

Anonymous said...

Palanivelu is a samys boy. He has no say in the party and was handpixked by samy cause he is one of his proxy..!! If he wins the party will still be under samy. Now that isint what we want.. Palabi is history. Dr on the other hand should stay out of this and play a smart game by safe guarding his minister post by not contesting for the deputy cause he should wait in line cause subra will hand him the party after 1 or 2 terms max. Dato subra should be given a change to clean up the party and expose this cronies who are enjoying the peoples money in the mic. Dear delegats pls open ur eyes and vote wisely. Vote for a change. Voting for subra from what I see will be the smarting thing to clean up mic and gain back some amount of trust amounf the indians.