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Wednesday 1 April 2009

Judge changed without reason in Nizar-Zambry suit. Remind you of Altantuya/Sodomy trial?


The suit by ousted Perak Menteri Besar Mohd Nizar Jamaluddin against BN’s Zambry Abd Kadir will be heard before a new judge tomorrow.

High Court judge Abdul Aziz Abd Rahim will be hearing the matter - starting with a leave application for the proper suit to follow - tomorrow afternoon at 2.30pm in Kuala Lumpur.

The matter was previously before justice Lau Bee Lan. No reasons have been given for the sudden transfer of the case, which was informed to the parties this morning.

How’s that for sketchy? >:(

Remind you of the constant swapping of judges and lawyers in the Altantuya (let me say it again, ALTANTUYA) murder trial?

Or perhaps the manner in which Anwar’s prosecutors fought tooth and nail just to get his trial out of Judge Komathy’s court? (incidentally hearing the lawyer’s human rights day march case)

One of the only interesting things google revealed on the new judge = a ruling by judge of that name made against PKR in Sarawak.

As for Lau Bee Lan, see Guan Sin’s previous take (also, I don’t think this is herlah :P )

How much money will Najib throw to keep his precious silver state? How many democratic principles will he burn?

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