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Friday 24 April 2009

The persistence of rumour: Manohara, Perak Royalty, Najib/Altantuya

The thing about rumours, for better of worse, is that unless they are addressed convincingly, they tend to persist.

For example, I think there will continue to be a lot of talk about Manohara until she herself comes out and states her case in her own words.

When Raja Nazrin, formerly the darling of so many people, starts talking about ‘political books with destructive themes,’ I think a good majority of people will now simply make cynical comments that he is merely taking a pro-BN line and tone (his words really ring some unpleasant bells), similar perhaps to comments that might be made concerning his father.

We should all always be reminded that respect must be earned, and cannot be effectively demanded. Such respect may be hard to come by after the perception that the rakyat was denied the very essence of democracy, added to the abounding rumours and conspiracy theories.

By the way, if you haven’t read Pratamad’s quote on some background regarding the Perak monarchy, it’s interesting, and mirrors some things I had heard discussed verbally.

Being a bit of a blur case, I wasn’t really aware that there’s more than one purported photograph of Najib and Altantuya speculated to exist - one in Paris, and one in Singapore.

Just putzing around, I came across this transcript from a long time ago detailing Gobind’s questioning of Insp. Gan during the RPK’s sedition trial (reproduced below), which still is compelling reading, and once again demonstrates that you can put at least some parts of a rumour to rest just by asking the appropriate people the simplest of questions.

The reluctance of Insp. Gan to ask Najib even such very basic and simple things cannot help but reinforce the notion that in Malaysia, some people are above the law.

Under such circumstances, with so many unanswered questions, I think we can expect rumours to persist and persist.

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