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Wednesday 24 December 2008

M’sia willing to help where Malays are minority, says Najib

If we say they are racist, UMNO don't agree.
If we say they are corrupted, UMNO deny.
If we say they are one sided, UMNO burst out.
Now from the title above we can see that all of our Malaysians are stupid.
From few months back our economy is going down and many workers to be retrenched. We must plan out now, how to help the situation but our clown Najib is planing to help Malays in overseas. Why not help the poor Malaysians?

There are several organization like orang ASAL, Hindraf and even PKR is asking our government to be liberal . Yet they are not giving any damn. Memo after memo was sent to the PM and DPM but they never even discuss this openly. This is what i call as a screwed up government. So they let Malaysians suffer but Najib wants to help others from foreign country. What kind of policy is this? Dont you think that they are playing a fool with your money? Why you have vote for this kind of idiots?

I know the real answer for the title. Najib slowly looking forward to bring Malays from foreign countries to Malaysia. This is the answer. Do you know why? If he bring back as much as Malays in Malaysia, The amount of Chinese, Indians and other races will be decrease. It will make a stabile situation for them to stay in power. He is planing for 2010 general election. May be you will not believe what i am saying, yet that is the truth. You can see from your own eyes how many Indonesians have Malaysian I/C? Dont you think that they are trying to increase the amount of Malays? They have been doing this years and years but most of us didn't understand even if we knows the situation yet we are always being silent. Our silence will give them a great success and give a way for a ISLAMIC nation. Don't be blind and open your eyes.

If you dont react now, I feel pity for your coming up generation. Your future generation will pay for your silence. Hope you understand this. Please keep on reading the actual article from Bernama:-

MELAKA, Dec 23 — Malaysia is willing to offer help towards the advancement of Malays in countries where they are a minority, said Deputy Prime Minister Datuk Seri Mohd Najib Tun Razak.

He said Malaysia could be a gateway for this through the Dunia Melayu Dunia Islam (DMDI, Malay World Musim World) Forum to help Malays in countries like in the Philippines, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Madagascar, Cambodia, South Africa and southern Thailand.

“Of course the Malays in these countries must be realistic. They cannot expect us to support them in taking up arms for a revolution to establish Malay governments in them,” he said when opening the DMDI's 9th convention at a hotel in Bandar Hilir here today.

Also present were Melaka Chief Minister Datuk Seri Mohd Ali Rustam and Youth and Sports Minister Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri Yaakob.

According to Najib, the DMDI could play constructive role in bringing about peace in southern Philippines and southern Thailand.

He said Malaysia had played an active role in southern Philippines towards ending the Moro conflict though the peace process there had encountered some obstacles lately.

He added that the DMDI should do all it could to portray Islam as an ideal religion which strived for the advancement of all peoples.

At the function, Mohd Ali, who is also DMDI president, presented Najib DMDI’s Mansyur Shah award which is a special recognition in honour of the Melaka empire during the reign of Sultan Mansyur Shah.

Over 500 participants from among others Malaysia, South Africa, the Philippines and Indonesia are participating the convention which ends tomorrow. — Bernama

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