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Tuesday 3 March 2015

EXCLUSIVE: ISIS will carry out '9/11 in Europe within two years' and fanatics are recruiting migrants in Libya with the promise of 'white virgins', claims Gaddafi's exiled cousin and former Special Envoy

  • Ahmed Gaddaf al-Dam is most senior figurehead of deposed dictator's clan
  • Gaddafi's former Special Envoy gave dramatic warning of the terror threat posed by ISIS in Libya, in an interview with MailOnline
  • Claims terror group will flood Europe with 500,000 migrants this year
  • Gaddaf al-Dam, exiled in Cairo, wants to hold a conference for all sides - including ISIS - to decide the future of the country
  • He uses alarm over ISIS in a bid to gain influence in Libyan politics and allies claim he is tipped to be the chaotic country's next leader
  • Gaddaf al-Dam claims that third of population still support the Gaddafis
  • Calls his dead cousin a 'saint', says Hillary Clinton should 'return to the kitchen' and that the UK leaders follow America 'like a dog'
By Hannah Roberts In Cairo For Mailonline

The Gaddafi clan's most senior figurehead has warned of 'a 9/11 in Europe within two years', while claiming that ISIS forces in Libya are now recruiting migrants to their terror cause with promises of 'white virgins'.

Ahmed Gaddaf al-Dam, Colonel Muammar Gaddafi's cousin and former intelligence official, has professed that 'not less than half a million' migrants will set sail from Libya to European shores this year.

Among them, he claims, are thousands of terrorists, who will soon be running amok in Europe culminating in a terror strike on the same scale as the September 11th attacks.

Mr Gaddaf al-Dam, one of several high-profile regime figures who fled to Egypt during the 2011 revolution, gave an interview to MailOnline as the North African state descends into ever-worsening chaos and bloodshed.

Deadly clashes continue between Islamist militias and secular government forces led by a renegade general. Militants loyal to the Islamic State have made frightening gains in Libya in recent weeks, and are now in control of three towns including Sirte, Gaddafi's birthplace.

ISIS sent shockwaves across the world recently when they released a video of the beheading of 21 Coptic Christians with bloodcurdling brutality on the shores of the Mediterranean.

The jihadist cutthroats have since pointed their sabres towards Europe, vowing 'we will colour the Mediterranean Sea red with your blood.'

Colonel Gaddafi's 42-year-rule which ended in 2011 was characterised by tyranny. He murdered political opponents and dissidents, and replaced law with his 'Green Book' of rambling political philosophy, taught in all Libyan schools.

He saw himself as the leader of the Third World and used Libya's vast oil wealth to sponsor terror, shipping Semtex to the IRA and sending agents to bring down a Pan Am flight over Lockerbie in Scotland.

By the 1990s he had become a pariah, but was rehabilitated in 2004 under the British Labour government with the despot signing an £120million gas contract for Shell with Tony Blair. The Lockerbie bomber was allowed to return to Libya from a UK prison and Gaddafi intelligence officers were even allowed to operate in Britain.

He held out for eight months during the Libyan revolutions of 2011, but was eventually found hiding in a drain, dragged out by rebels, beaten and executed.

Now Mr Gaddaf al-Dam, Gaddafi's one-time Special Envoy, is bidding to use the alarm over the rise of ISIS as a platform to make the dictator's name a powerful force again in Libyan and international diplomacy. And he even suggests talks, which he hopes to broker, should include ISIS.

He said that he believes 'you will see not less than 500,000 migrants coming to Europe this year', adding alarmingly: 'There are many terrorists among them, between 10 and 50 in every thousand. They are going all throughout Europe. Within one year, two years, you will have another September 11.'

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