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Monday 1 December 2014

Sedition Act staying won't ensure GE14 win, says PM

Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak today said that his decision to keep the Sedition Act some two years after promising to repeal it, won't guarantee BN a victory in the 14th general election.

"The protection of BN cannot come from the Sedition Act," he asserted, while officiating the PPP convention at the Putra World Trade Centre today.

"Sedition Act cannot ensure BN will get re-elected in GE14. It is only through the will and support of people," he said.

It has been largely suggested that Najib's U-turn on the act was due to pressure from party grassroots and that the act is being used to keep Umno and BN in a strong position ahead of the next elections.

Najib claimed that the act staying would be a form of protection for the social contract and also for non-Muslims and non-Malays.
"The enforcement of it must be seen to be fair as everyone who transgresses will be dealt with accordingly under the law," he said.
"There will be no acrimonous relations between races, we Malaysians want harmony," he added.
Najib also took swipe at the opposition, saying they are "destroying" the people's confidence.
"The Kajang move and the Selangor fiasco is clear indication that the opposition cannot work together. Their only common interest is to defeat BN," he said.

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