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Tuesday 2 December 2014

Charge Zaidi with sedition if you are honest, PM told

MIPAS has challenged Najib Razak to live up to his word that the Sedition Act is to protect all races in the country.


PETALING JAYA: Malaysian Indians Progressive Association (MIPAS) Secretary General S Barathidasan is livid in the wake of the racially provocative remarks allegedly uttered by Permatang Pauh division chief Zaidi Mohd Said recently and has demanded the prime minister charge the Umno man with sedition.

Barathidasan added that if Najib Razak was honest and sincere about using the Sedition Act 1948 to protect the rights of all Malaysians then “the government should apply the act against Mohd Zaidi and charge him immediately”.

In a statement, he explained that Zaidi did not only insult the Indians by calling them “keling” but also made disparaging remarks against the Chinese by saying “the political strength of the Chinese in the state (Penang) came from illicit businesses like prostitution and illegal gambling”.

Recalling the PM’s words that the Sedition Act was not about protecting only the rights of Muslims but also that of non-Malays and non-Muslims, Barathidasan said that if no action was taken against Zaidi, it clearly showed the level of bias practised by UMNO.

He asked, “for UMNO, applying sedition (Act) fairly means everyone else must shut up while they can say anything, right?”

The MIPAS secretary general further explained that several NGOs including the Tamilar Action Force (TAF) would lodge a police report tomorrow at the Klang Police Station regarding Zaidi’s racist rantings.

In the just-concluded Umno General Assembly, party president Najib Razak announced that the Sedition Act 1948 would not only be retained but strengthened to protect all Malaysians and the country’s social contract that was embedded in the Federal Constitution.

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