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Saturday 29 November 2014

Umno Assembly Significant In Determining Country's Direction - Najib

KUALA LUMPUR, Nov 28 (Bernama) -- Umno President Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak said the party general assembly will continue to be a significant platform to determine the country's direction.

He said the content in the assembly was not only important for party members, but also for the Malays, bumiputera and the country, as a whole.

"Therefore the coverage and analysis by the mass media, and whatever perception that was projected at this assembly is important for the people to understand what is actually Umno's aspiration," he said when interviewed by Astro Awani during a visit to the media centre at the Putra World Trade Centre on Friday.

A total of 1,452 media practitioners from 106 local and foreign newspaper organisations and news agencies are covering the 2014 Umno general assembly.

During a visit to the Radio Televisyen Malaysia (RTM) operations centre, Najib said he was satisfied with the coverage on the assembly by the mass media.

"The coverage this time is more extensive and able to give a more accurate perspective because now the media is equipped with latest facilities technology applications.

"Hence, the ability of the media to produce fast and more accurate reports is better. I believe with the use of more sophisticated technology in future, the coverage will be better and faster," he said in an interview with RTM.

Present to receive the Umno president at the RTM operations centre was Umno Supreme Council member Datuk Seri Ahmad Shabery Cheek, who is Communications and Multimedia Minister.

Najib also spent some time meeting media practitioners from other news agencies, including the Malaysian National News Agency (Bernama), where he was welcomed by Bernama chairman Datuk Abdul Rahman Sulaiman and Deputy Editor-in-Chief (General News Service) Datuk Zakaria Abd Wahab.

Earlier, Najib launched the National Women Undergraduates Secretariat (Swinas), a club set up under the auspices of the Puteri Umno movement, and at another venue, launched a book, "Politik Islam dan Melayu", written by Yayasan Dakwah Islamiah Malaysia (YADIM) president Senator Datuk Dr Asyraf Wajdi Dusuki.

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