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Sunday 5 January 2014

Sex During Ramadan,Vaginal Discharge,Orgasm Without Intercourse Most Popular Fatwas Of 2013

Rituals and Intimacy
Interestingly, on the top of the most-read fatwasis a question on whether or not it is permissible for married spouses to make love at night during Ramadan. This fatwa is viewed by 19067 visitors to the site.

The high rate of viewership of this fatwa indicates that Muslims, particularly those who are living in Western communities, are very concerned about the correct performance of their religious rituals and acts of worship. It also manifests that Muslims spouses are mostly interested in leading their marital life according to the values and morals of Islam.

Muslim-non-Muslim Relationship

In the second position in the top fatwas list comes aquestion on the legality or otherwise of celebrating Christmas by Muslims. This fatwa is viewed by 14168 visitors.

Husband-Wife Relationship

It is really interesting that fatwas on the husband-wife relationship occupy the 3rd, the 5th, and the 6thpositions in the top fatwas list. Those fatwas have respectively gotten 7403, 6392, and 6180 page-views.

The 10th fatwa on the list replies a question on whether newly married spouses should have intercourse on the first night of their marriage; a fatwa that is viewed by 4841 visitors.

Women’s Concerns and Practicing Religion

On the 4th position of the list comes a question onfasting and vaginal discharges while on 7th position comes a question on menses and eligibility for prayers. The former is viewed by 7155 visitor while the latter has gotten 6093 page-views. The 9th fatwa on the list gives a reply to a sister who asks whether or not should she perform ghusl (ritual bath) if she reaches orgasm without intercourse. It is read by 5333 users.

World Sufferings

In 2013, horrible incidents and disasters took place. A brother has, therefore, asked why there is suffering in the world and why God allows it. This question comes on the 8th position of the top fatwas list and is viewed by 5823 readers.

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