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Thursday 30 January 2014

Mahathir denies trying to topple Najib - Malaysiakini

Former prime minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad has denied that he is behind a purported move to topple Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak.

"That is his (PKR director of strategy Rafizi Ramli's) view. Actually the move to topple the government has been in existence even when I was prime minister.

"It is the job of the opposition to topple the government and take over," he said during an interview with Bernama Radio24 today.

Earlier, Rafizi (left), in explaining PKR’s move to field opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim at the impending Kajang by-election, said that this was to curtail BN’s advance on Selangor.

The Pandan MP said that BN’s attack is expected to be more vicious if Najib is toppled through an internal power struggle.

Rafizi claimed that the tussle is an open secret and is "led by Mahathir Mohamad’s faction" within Umno.

Speculation that Mahathir was pulling the strings is rife following recent open attacks against Najib’s administration by pro-Umno quarters.

MB post not Anwar's true aim

This include some prominent bloggers who had also visibly attacked fifth prime minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi’s administration until his resignation in 2008.

Mahathir is to this day intensely criticial of Abdullah, whom he had handpicked to succeed him.

In regards to Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim’s (left) announced candidacy in the Kajang by-election, Mahathir said its purpose was for his once deputy prime minister to convince the people of his ability to be prime minister.

He opined that assuming the role of Selangor menteri besar is not Anwar’s true aim should he win the polls.

"It is a step (for him) to rise. That (becoming MB) is not his goal," he said, nonetheless acknowledging it was Anwar’s prerogative to take this course of action.

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