“Congratulations to Waytha as the latest Indian mandore (head coolie)! A new Samy Vellu,” said Uthayakumar in a text message to Malaysiakini.
“Waytha (in orange T-shirt) was diverted by his personal agenda and is a political opportunist,” said Uthayakumar.
Uthayakumar said that he was the legitimate leader of the Hindraf movement and not Waythamoorthy, who only took charge of the movement while the former was incarcerated for 514 days under the Internal Security Act (ISA).
He stressed that the Hindraf rally on Nov 25, 2007 – Hindraf's most iconic moment – was held under his orders and not Waythamoorthy's.
In view of this, Uthayakumar said that he will continue to lead Hindraf and its “anti-BN crusade”.
Kimma also upset
After going into exile before Uthayakumar was incarcerated in December 2007, Waythamoorthy returned on Aug 1 last year and actively led a faction within Hindraf.
His activities culminated with the signing of a memorandum of understanding between BN and the Hindraf faction led by Waythamoorthy.
BN had endorsed a “blueprint” for the Indian community, prepared by Waythamoorthy's faction, prompting Uthayakumar to break his silence on his younger brother's actions.
Meanwhile, Kimma Youth chief Muhamad Johan also questioned Waythamoorthy's appointment because Hindraf was involved in street demonstrations before.
"He is someone who caused chaos in the country and sullied Malaysia's reputation abroad," he said on his Facebook page.
Muhamad said that Kimma had been loyal to BN for a long time but their efforts are not being recognised.
"Do we have to do street demonstrations for Kimma to be recognised?" he asked.
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