The Perkasa patron says he would stop fuelling sentiments if others would.
KUALA LUMPUR: Former prime minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad today accused online portal Malaysiakini and DAP as extremists who are responsible for the increased level of racism in Malaysia.
“Malaysiakini and DAP are racists. They only think of one race. They are the real racists, they have been raising the racist issue a lot,” said Mahathir at a press conference here following the launching of a coffee table book entitled Antarctica: Malaysia’s Journey to the Ice.
He also responded to MIC strategy director S Vell Paari’s statement urging him to stop raising racist sentiments over claims on citizenship rights.
Mahathir, who is the patron of the Malay rights group Perkasa, said he would heed Vell Paari’s call if others would quit their racist taunts.
“I will stop if and when others stop,” he said. “I said all those things because I felt bound to reply to racist sentiments made by extremists.”
Referring to Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak’s penchant for doling out aid to various sectors of society, Mahathir defended him against charges of vote buying.
“That is his right,” he said. “During my time, there was no money. Now the government is rich. Malayan Banking Berhad itself recorded a profit of 6 billion ringgit. And they are taxed 28%.”
He also once again admitted to granting citizenship to foreigners under the controversial Project IC.
“I admit we gave citizenship to people who lived in Sabah for a considerable amount of time,” he said. “However, whatever happened on the ground, I am not responsible for it.”
He also said the new citizens did not necessarily vote for BN.
“Those people who got ICs were not necessarily supporters of BN. They could vote for whomever they liked. They were not forced to vote for BN. Otherwise how did PBS win the election in 1990?”
“Malaysiakini and DAP are racists. They only think of one race. They are the real racists, they have been raising the racist issue a lot,” said Mahathir at a press conference here following the launching of a coffee table book entitled Antarctica: Malaysia’s Journey to the Ice.
He also responded to MIC strategy director S Vell Paari’s statement urging him to stop raising racist sentiments over claims on citizenship rights.
Mahathir, who is the patron of the Malay rights group Perkasa, said he would heed Vell Paari’s call if others would quit their racist taunts.
“I will stop if and when others stop,” he said. “I said all those things because I felt bound to reply to racist sentiments made by extremists.”
Referring to Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak’s penchant for doling out aid to various sectors of society, Mahathir defended him against charges of vote buying.
“That is his right,” he said. “During my time, there was no money. Now the government is rich. Malayan Banking Berhad itself recorded a profit of 6 billion ringgit. And they are taxed 28%.”
He also once again admitted to granting citizenship to foreigners under the controversial Project IC.
“I admit we gave citizenship to people who lived in Sabah for a considerable amount of time,” he said. “However, whatever happened on the ground, I am not responsible for it.”
He also said the new citizens did not necessarily vote for BN.
“Those people who got ICs were not necessarily supporters of BN. They could vote for whomever they liked. They were not forced to vote for BN. Otherwise how did PBS win the election in 1990?”
Nik Aziz Nik Mat secara tidak langsung telah membuka pekong didada dengan mengiktiraf kepemimpinan Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Dr Mahathir Mohamad sebagai pemimpin Islam yang disegani dunia Islam.
Pengakuan itu dinyatakan dalam kenyataannya kepada wartawan di pejabatnya di Kota Darulnaim ketika diminta mengulas kepimpinan Dr Mahathir dalam menyebarkan syiar Islam di negara-negara barat dan negara Eropah.
Melalui kenyataannya itu juga Nik Aziz mengakui kalau Dr Mahathir tidak lagi menjadi pemimpin, belum tentu negara barat akan menyanjungi Malaysia.
Ini kerana dengan ketegasan Dr Mahathir dalam mempertahankan imej Islam menyebabkan pemimpin-pemimpin negara kafir seperti Amerika Syarikat, Britain dan Perancis merasa segan silu untuk menindas umat Islam terutama di rantau Asia.
Inilah kali pertama Nik Aziz secara terbuka memuji Dr Mahathir. Sebelum ini, beliau begitu hebat mengecam dan mengkritik kepimpinan Dr Mahathir sehingga timbul pelbagai gelaran kepada pemimpin berkenaan seperti Mahazalim, Mahafiraun dan sebagainya.
Apakah tujuan, motif dan matlamat Nik Aziz berbuat demikian, hanya dia saja yang tahu. Pokoknya, umat Islam di Kelantan sedar dengan kepimpinan Dr Mahathir yang telah mencorakkan dunia Islam daripada lemah kepada umat yang berani.
Pas diketahui umum hanya sebuah parti yang tidak mempunyai apa-apa manfaat. Mereka hanya menggunakan Islam untuk menjerat pemikiran rakyat supaya menyokong parti itu, sedangkan dasar dan perjuangannya jauh terkebelakang.
Contohnya, Pas gagal melaksanakan syiar Islam di Kelantan walaupun lebih 12 tahun mereka mengambil alih pemerintahan. Dalam tempoh itu, tiada satu pun pembangunan yang boleh dibanggakan yang dilakukan Pas.
Bukan saja pembangunan ekonomi, pembangunan pendidikan Islam pun tidak dilaksanakan. Yang ada ialah sistem sedia ada yang dilaksanakan kerajaan Barisan Nasional (BN) terdahulu iaitu kerajaan yang diperintah dan dipimpin oleh Allahyarham Datuk Haji Mohd Nasir dan Tan Sri Haji Mohammad Yaakob.
Apakah dalam zaman pemerintahan Pas bermula tahun 1990 sehingga akhir 2002 patut dibanggakan? Tidak. Tidak ada apa yang patut dipuji dan dibanggakan. Menteri Besarnya, Nik Aziz Nik Mat langsung tidak inovatif dalam memajukan negeri ini sebagai negeri Islam.
Democratic Action Party, or better known as DAP was established in the 1960’s by Mr. Devan Nair. DAP declared to be irrevocably committed to the ideal of a free, democratic and socialist Malaysia, based on the principles of racial and religious equality, social and economic justice, and founded on the institution of parliamentary democracy.
Is DAP really upholding their principles of multi-ethnicity? Since Devan Nair, the only other Indian who rose to prominence in DAP is Karpal Singh. Since its establishment, no other Indian has held a top post in the party. If that is astounding, it is even more shocking that there has never been a Malay leader holding any top position in DAP. The nation’s most populated ethnic group has little or no say in DAP.
Time and time again DAP has been accused of practising race-based politics. Despite the leaders of DAP claiming false to the allegations, results of the last DAP elections speak for itself. None of the Malay candidates who contested for a Central Executive Committee (CEC) position managed to get into the Top 20. Before a national uproar could occur, as an eye wash two Malay candidates were appointed to the CEC. Only time will reveal how much they can contribute with their representation. The number of Indian candidates also is kept to a bare minimum.
Being a party that claims to be multi-racial the representation of non-Chinese ethnic group is a worrying sign. Till today we still see some members of DAP at war with its coalesced party PAS over the hudud issue. What if DAP-PKR-PAS does someday form the government? Are we, a small nation like Malaysia heading towards separation of states?
The biggest opposition party with the most amount of representation in parliament after Barisan Nasional seems to lack genuine multi-ethnic representation at the elected leadership level. DAP is definitely not practising multi-ethnicity as preached by their leaders. DAP will not represent and will not reflect the diverse cultures and beliefs which constitutes the people of Malaysia.
It will be a long time before the DAP becomes fully multi ethnic. You cannot find anything overtly racist in the DAP's constitution or in their stated objectives as a political party but they have not yet escaped the stigma of being overly Chinese-centric. That is why people see them as racist. For the record the DAP does have non-Chinese but as the writer says they are very few in number.
Other than the BN, there is no real multi ethnicity in party politics in Malaysia (except maybe for the PPP - Kayveas punya party and some of the parties in Sabah and Sarawak but you can argue that point as well). By the same measure (which we used for the DAP) all the political parties in Malaysia are "mono-ethnic" to an extent.
The political reality is a Malay / Muslim must provide leadership to any multi-ethnic political party in Malaysia. This is NOT by Law or by the Constitution but just a reflection of the reality on the ground. And he or she must be genuinely committed to multi ethnicism. So far this formula has worked quite ok. It is not ok but it still works.
This reality will only change if a non Malay / non Muslim leader emerges who can win the trust of the majority Malays.
Just figurehead Malays / Muslims playing the Ali Baba leadership role will lead to trouble. This was the situation in the country prior to 1970.
Democratic Action Party, or better known as DAP was established in the 1960’s by Mr. Devan Nair. DAP declared to be irrevocably committed to the ideal of a free, democratic and socialist Malaysia, based on the principles of racial and religious equality, social and economic justice, and founded on the institution of parliamentary democracy.
s DAP really upholding their principles of multi-ethnicity? Since Devan Nair, the only other Indian who rose to prominence in DAP is Karpal Singh. Since its establishment, no other Indian has held a top post in the party. If that is astounding, it is even more shocking that there has never been a Malay leader holding any top position in DAP. The nation’s most populated ethnic group has little or no say in DAP.
Time and time again DAP has been accused of practising race-based politics. Despite the leaders of DAP claiming false to the allegations, results of the last DAP elections speak for itself. None of the Malay candidates who contested for a Central Executive Committee (CEC) position managed to get into the Top 20.
Before a national uproar could occur, as an eye wash two Malay candidates were appointed to the CEC. Only time will reveal how much they can contribute with their representation. The number of Indian candidates also is kept to a bare minimum.
Being a party that claims to be multi-racial the representation of non-Chinese ethnic group is a worrying sign. Till today we still see some members of DAP at war with its coalesced party PAS over the hudud issue. What if DAP-PKR-PAS does someday form the government? Are we, a small nation like Malaysia heading towards separation of states?
The biggest opposition party with the most amount of representation in parliament after Barisan Nasional seems to lack genuine multi-ethnic representation at the elected leadership level. DAP is definitely not practising multi-ethnicity as preached by their leaders. DAP will not represent and will not reflect the diverse cultures and beliefs which constitutes the people of Malaysia.
Have you ever read the comments section of Malaysiakini? Then you should know what we mean when we say that Malaysiakini’s hardcore followers are racists, misogynists (that’s people who hate women) and bigots.
The kinds of comments they post makes us want to migrate to another country to escape these ugly people with ugly views. They think they are carrying on a discussion but they are just spewing hate and bigotry.
At the height of the NFC issue, they used such foul language on Shahrizat Jalil that we wondered whether Malaysiakini was read by monsters or animals.
We dislike Shahrizat too and we think her husband is a national disgrace and also her two sons. She should also resign and disappear from public instead of hanging around.
But that does not justify Malaysiakini readers/commentors for saying things like she has fondled her tits till cow milk gushed out, that she should open her legs if she wants to survive and other obscene language.
Mahathir is the favourite target of the Malaysiakini racists. They call him mamak kutty, mamak dog and balik India.
Some people tell us that the commentors are not real people in the sense that they are paid cybertroopers, mostly from the DAP, to dominate the discussion and create an impression that all Malaysians hate Umno, MCA and everything connected to the BN.
Unfortunately the greatest impression they have created is that PR supporters are racists, bigots and women haters and that the audience of Malaysiakini are the worst of Malaysian society.
Is it any wonder that Malaysiakini cannot attract enough advertisements to be self sufficient and has to crawl to PR for funding?
Which right-minded company or product would want to be associated with this kind of website, read by people who think and talk like Mat Rempits and Ah Longs?
The only people who should rush to advertise in Malaysiakini would be companies selling red paint and motorcycles that can outrace a police car. Our investigations showed that Malaysiakini gives out free advertisements – without the consent of these companies!
There used to be reasoned and rational people commenting in Malaysiakini. But as the news coverage became more one sided and the spinning became so ridiculous, the intelligent and objective readers have shrunk back from commenting.
Why be associated with this low life crowd, they must be thinking? Congratulations Malaysiakini. You have become the opposite mirror image of the mainstream media that your supporters love to rubbish. You have reached the pinnacle as a propaganda machine for PR leaders and you are a magnet for rabid racists and bigots.
jika anda ingin memangkah DAP dalam pilihanraya umum akan datang, ingatlah apa yang sedang berlaku di Singapura sekarang akan turut berlaku di Malaysia.
sebagai pembangkang, mereka boleh cakap pasal apa sahaja termasuk penghapusan ISA dan soal kesamarataan tetapi percayalah, apabila mereka berkuasa, mereka akan memperkenalkan dasar-dasar yang menindas orang melayu seterusnya membangkitkan tindak balas orang melayu dan ketika itulah mereka akan memperkenalkan ISA semula atas alasan keselamatan negara.
Di Singapura, LKY juga bercakap mengenai kesamarataan tapi hakikatnya tidak ada yang samarata sebaliknya diskirminasi yang nyata.
Mungkin kalau ada pun yang PAP boleh belajar daripada DAP ialah bagaimana nak menggunakan duit judi lumba kuda untuk jadi sumbangan kepada fakir miskin, nak nak yang beragama Islam.. Hehehe..
Tengok saja Penang, Selangor dan Perak. Itu belum berkausa habis. Samarata pada DAP hanya untuk jaga kepentingan orang Cina saja.
Sekarang ini dua Guru Besar yang tidak bersalah mahu dihukum, apa jadinya bila memerintah? Tidak mustahil, satu bentuk "ethnic cleansing" akan dilakukan ke atas orang2 Melayu?
Di Pulau Pinang, orang Melayu dilekakan tapi satu demi satu dihalau keluar dari pulau untuk menguatkuasakan politik Cina. Ada orang Melayu buat demikian pada orang Cina????
Keadaan di negara ini memang sukar hari ini. Mungkin Malaysia patut ditukar kepada Cinasia sahaja.
Apa sahaja orang Melayu buat semua salah kalau tidak menguntungkan kaum Cina. Tapi apa yang Cina buat semua tidak salah biar pun mencabar perkara-perkara di dalam Perlembagaan Negara.
Presiden MCA, Datuk Seri Chua Soi Lek mendesak diambil tindakan ke atas Timbalan Pengarah Biro Tata Negara (BTN) yang dikatakan mengucapkan perkataan-perkataan perkauman dalam satu perjumpaan tertutup dengan Puteri UMNO Malaysia.
Jika ada ucapan yang menghina mana-mana kaun maka sewajarnya tindakan diambil. Soalnya mengapa Chua Soi Lek tidak pula mengecam wartawan berbangsa Cina dari Malaysian Insiders tersebut yang memakai tudung menyamar sebagai Puteri UMNO.
Adalah jelas penganjur telah menyatakan bahawa program tersebut merupakan program tertutup. Apakah bukan satu kesalahan menyamar sebagai ahli Puteri UMNO dan kemudiannya melaporkan dalam portal Malaysian Insiders kenyataan-kenyataan dalam program tertutup tersebut?
Tiada sepatah perkataan pun kecaman daripada Chua Soi Lek terhadap sikap tidak beretika wartawan berbangsa Cina tersebut. Apakah suatu hari nanti kalau kita berkata sesuatu dalam rumah sendiri pun apabila dilaporkan oleh portal berita yang tidak beretika dan bertanggungjawab maka kita yang salah?
Apabila ramai orang Melayu menjadi kakitangan kerajaan maka MCA sibuk membuat komen kononnya ratio kaum tidak adil dalam kerajaan. Apakah ini bukan perkauman? Kalau sudah kaum Cina tidak fasih berbahasa Melayu yang merupakan bahawa kebangsaan negara adakah layak mereka menyertai perkhidmatan awam?
Sekarang dituntut pula disediakan pegawai yang boleh berbahasa Mandarin dalam kerajaan kerana ada orang cina tidak boleh berkomunikasi dalam bahasa Melayu. Cina juga betul.
Tapi apabila syarikat Cina mengiklan kerja kosong berasaskan kebolehan berbahasa mandarin tidak pula dianggap perkauman.
Majoriti wartawan The Star terutamanya jawatan-jawatan tertinggi berbangsa Cina apakah ini bukan perkauman? Boleh Chua Soi Lek nyatakan berapa ramai Melayu dalam jawatan kanan editorial The Star?
Apabila Perkasa bercakap soal hak orang Melayu dan Bumiputera, mereka dituduh rasis. Tapi apabila pertubuhan Cina menolak sekolah satu aliran dan mempertahankan sekolah aliran Cina tidak pula dianggap rasis?
Lihat sahaja produk sekolah Cina seperti Namwee yang penuh dengan sikap rasis, kurang ajar dan tidak mampu berbahasa kebangsaan. Tidak pula dikecam oleh pemimpin Cina baik dari BN mahupun Pakatan Rakyat.
Pernahkah mana-mana pemimpin Cina mengecam Akhbar Cina yang melakukan pembohongan, kenyataan rasis dan anti-kaum bumiputera? Tidak ada.
Pernahkan mana-mana pemimpin Cina mengecam kaum Cina yang mengeluarkan perniagaan mereka, harta benda yang mereka perolehi di negara ini di bawa ke Singapura, Hong Kong dan China sebagai tidak patriotik? Tidak ada.
Nampaknya di Malaysia ini semua Cina buat betul, apa yang kaum bumiputera buat semua salah biarpun hak-hak mereka dijamin oleh perlembagaan.
Siapa yang rasis? Bumiputera yang mahukan hak mereka dikekalkan mengikut Perlembagaan seperti mana orang Cina mahukan hak warganegara mereka dikekalkan? Atau orang seperti Chua Soi Lek, Lim Kit Siang, Lim Guan Eng yang mahukan hak warganegara yang diperolehi melalui kemerdekaan dikekalkan tetapi hak bumiputera melalui cara yang sama dihapuskan.
We should all reject racism for the peace of the country.
We are all Malaysians and should live together as one family.
Don't let people who like to incite hatred destroy the harmony and unity that we practice since before Malaysia Independence.
Let us forget our differences so we can live together in peace, this is 1 Malaysia.
I think everybody is including you sir.
In fact this is just part of it.
“We also support Chinese non-governmental organisations that work towards advancing education and welfare activities. We recognize that education is very important to the Chinese community and we will continue to assist where possible
jauhi sikap racis
Agak menarik melihat keputusan undi pemilihan Jawatankuasa Kerja Pusat (CEC) DAP yang baru berlangsung di mana “Dinasti Lim” dilihat terus unggul menguasai parti itu dengan ketua keluarganya, Lim Kit Siang berada di tempat tertinggi di dalam senarai.
M.Kula dipercayai “menang” dan terpilih diatas “ehsan” para perwakilan DAP yang hadir memandangkan parti itu memerlukan sokongan dari kaum India yang ramai di Pulau Pinang, sekaligus memastikan jawatan Guan Eng di negeri itu “selamat”.
Dari 20 kerusi penggerak utama DAP itu, hanya tiga orang itu saja yang terpilih dari golongan bukan kaum Cina manakala baki lagi 17 orang telah dimonopoli oleh kaum Cina.
Paling menyedihkan, tiada langsung wakil bangsa Melayu yang berjaya tersenarai di dalam CEC yang mempunyai kuasa menentukan dasar serta perjuangan parti tersebut.
Persoalannya, tidakkah rakyat di negara ini sedar dengan keputusan itu maka jelaslah bahawa DAP yang kononnya sebuah parti “berbilang kaum” itu hanyalah retorik dan hipokrit semata-mata?
Kononnya DAP turut memperjuangkan bangsa Melayu? Maaflah, dari apa yang dilihat di dalam keputusan pemilihan tersebut, Melayu langsung tiada di dalam hati ahli-ahli DAP dan seolah-olah tidak wujud sama sekali.
Sebenarnya, bukan tiada bangsa Melayu yang bertanding di dalam pemilihan tersebut.
Yang bertanding di antaranya ialah Zairil Khir Johari, Ahmad Ton, Senator Ariffin S.M. Omar, Tengku Zulpuri Shah Raja Puji, Zulkifli Mohd. Noor, Roseli Abdul Ghani, Solaiman Op Syed Ibrahim dan Harun Ahmad.
Malangnya, seorang pun tidak menang, malah kalah teruk di tangan puak-puak “chauvinis ultra kiasu” yang diketuai oleh “Dinasti Lim”.
Persoalannya, apakah bangsa Melayu tidak sedar-sedar bahawa mereka langsung tidak mendapat tempat di dalam perjuangan DAP?
Itupun mereka masih lagi tegar menyokong parti “kafir harbi” itu dan tidak segan-segan untuk berkempen, mengibarkan bendera “roket” serta membela DAP seolah-olah parti itulah yang akan membawa mereka ke syurga!
The International Cultural Festival here is the right platform to showcase Sabah’s unique unity, peace and harmony enjoyed by its multi-racial and religious people.
Chief Minister Datuk Seri Panglima Musa Haji Aman said apart from assisting to promote tourism such festival was also the best platform to continue preserving culture, particularly among the younger generation.
“I am very proud to see the spirit and commitment as well as involvement of the people from all walks of life what more many youths are participating to make this event a success,” he said at the opening of the third edition of the festival in the Municipal Council compound in Fajar .
About 50,000 people attended the festival featuring cultural performances from Malaysia, Brunei Darussalam, Indonesia, Thailand, Japan and Syria as well as 25 sub-ethnic groups.
Musa said this was a positive sign for the nation’s future especially in the context of further galvanising unity, togetherness and harmony of the people from all backgrounds, religions and ethnicity in line with the 1Malaysia spirit.
According to him, the situation was what makes Sabah beautiful.
Musa said it was also the aspiration of Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak to see the people of Malaysia live in peace and harmony under the 1Malaysia concept.
“This is the joy for us living in Sabah … we live in peace and harmony, we can sit down together and celebrate all the celebrations,” he said
Sabah was also proud since Najib had said that the State was among the states that can be the role model of the 1Malaysia concept.
“That is why we always called on the people in Tawau, Sabah and the whole country to ensure we continue to live in peace,” he said.
Musa also cautioned the people against falling into the trap of the opposition who only aimed at creating chaos such as through street demonstration, among others.
“We don’t want this unhealthy culture and what we want is to continue living in peace and enjoying good economic development,” he said, adding that the people in Sabah must be thankful for the sensitivity of the Prime Minister.
As for the State Government, Musa said it was taking various approaches including providing for a huge State Budget in order for the people to continue social and economic development that comes with peace and harmony.
“I am also amaze with the commitment of the organiser to invite international participation not only from this region but other countries from the Asia continents and Middle East,” he said.
Towards this end, he said the State Government welcomed the organiser’s efforts and initiative to take various kind of approaches in order to make the festival more attractive.
Three years ago, he said leaders from the district, namely Datuk Tawfiq Abu Bakar Titingan and Datuk Abdul Ghapur Salleh had discussed with him on creating something good for the people here to celebrate together just like in other districts such as the Kalimaran Festival, among others.
“So the Tawau International Cultural Festival was born,” he said, adding the festival had enabled the people to see various cultures of not only the various sub-ethnic groups in the state but also from other countries.
“What is important is that we continue to preserve our strong unity and I hope the festival will continue to be the catalyst of the district’s economic development,” he said
Meanwhile, Tawau Municipal Council President Datuk Haji Ismail Mayakob expressed gratitude to the State Government under Musa for the unwavering support to the festival.
He said it reflected that the State Government prioritise the local economic development through promotion of tourism, which is among the objectives of the festival.
“The essence of the festival is community driven, participation from each sub-ethnic group,” he said, adding this year’s concept was a bit different from previously where it features folk song, dancing and playing of traditional music instruments.
Among those on hand were Local Government and Housing Minister Datuk Hajiji Noor, Minister in the Chief Minister’s Department Datuk Nasir Tun Sakaran, Assistant Finance Minister Datuk Tawfiq Abu Bakar Titingan, Assistant Infrastructure Development Minister Datuk Pang Yuk Ming, Kalabakan MP Datuk Seri Panglima Abdul Ghapur Salleh, assemblymen, Sabah Cultural Board Chairman Datuk Wences Angang and foreign consuls.
he spirit of unity should be nurtured in the quest to achieve progress and harmony in the society in line with the theme of the national-level Prophet Muhammad's birthday celebration, "Moderation the Key to Unity of the People", said Sabah Chief Minister Datuk Seri Musa Aman.
He urged the people to practise 'wasatiyyah' or moderation in their actions and way of life.
"By embracing wasatiyyah, Muslims can succeed globally in technology, science and economy towards building an Islamic civilisation and mission," he said when launching the district-level Prophet Muhammad's birthday celebration, here, Saturday. Musa urged Muslims to emulate Prophet Muhammad's character in defending the religion, nationhood and country to reflect their admiration and love for him.
He said the annual Prophet Muhammad's birthday celebration should be turned into a platform to strengthen Muslim unity.
If Muslims ignore the importance of unity and understanding, they will be lagging behind others in the competitive world, he added.
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