Contrary to the citizenship-for-votes allegations, foreign immigrants given citizenship don’t always vote BN, claimed former prime minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad.
“Actually it benefits the opposition,” argued the veteran politician, pointing out that PBS strongman Joseph Pairin Kitingan won, and BN lost in the elections.
“They are Malaysian citizens and it is their right to vote for their choice,” argued Mahathir further.
Speaking at a press conference in Kuala Lumpur after launching the book Antarctica: Malaysia’s journey into the ice that chronicles our country’s research activities at the South Pole, the former premier was asked on whether revelations of possible misconduct unearthed during the ongoing royal commission of inquiry into immigration in Sabah will damage BN’s hold there.
He said that despite the matter being depicted as being a government ploy to get more votes, it may have instead given the ballot into opposition-friendly hands.
Mahathir reiterated that under his direct orders, only qualified immigrants are selected for citizenship, adding however that whatever happened on the ground may have been otherwise.
Perkasa not out to insult Christians
Mahathir had pointed the finger to his then deputy, opposition leader
Anwar Ibrahim and rogue implementing officers on the ground as the
culprits of wrongdoings, pointing out that the government had taken
action against officers involved and claimed he had “knowledge” of
possible misconduct by Anwar.“He was commenting on standard government procedures to dispose of publications that contravene laws, that is by burning. I don’t think he meant to insult the Bible,” reasoned Mahathir.
He also saw nothing wrong with Penang BN featuring South Korean overnight sensation Psy to perform his ‘Gangnam Style’ during a planned Chinese New Year gathering in the northern state.
“It’s their right to do so, if the people of Penang like those kinds of shows, let them.”
Malaysiakini also racist
On the topic of racism, Mahathir mentioned in passing that "people like Malaysiakini, like the DAP" were racist. However, he did not elaborate on his remark.
Dr Mahathir earlier launched the coffee table book Antarctica: Malaysia's journey to the ice produced by the National Antarctic Research Centre (NARC).
The book, which has 275 pages of text and 366 photographs, was published in collaboration with the Malaysian National News Agency (Bernama) with funding from the Universiti Malaya and the Higher Education Ministry.
According to the news agency, Antarctica: Malaysia's journey to the ice gives an elaborate account of the icy continent, its geology, climate, flora and fauna, and the scientific research stations as well as the work of the multinational group of scientists and researchers who focus their efforts there.
It also relates the aspiration of Malaysia to persuade the international community to regard and accept Antarctica as a common heritage of mankind and utilise the conducive atmosphere it offers for research that will benefit humanity.
Macam Azmin Ali sendiri juga mendapat IC yang tidak pasti daripada asal usulnya.
Generasi muda hari ini harus bijak membuat penilaian terhadap kerajaan Barisan Nasional (BN) yang telah banyak menyumbang kepada pembangunan negara sepanjang 55 tahun mentadbir negara, kata Bekas Perdana Menteri, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad semalam.
eliau berkata, generasi muda yang lahir selepas negara mencapai kemerdekaan dan maju telah menganggap kemajuan negara adalah satu perkara yang biasa dan mereka juga tidak bersyukur dan berterima kasih terhadap usaha kerajaan.
Sehubungan itu, beliau yang sudah hampir 67 tahun menceburi bidang politik khuatir golongan muda yang kurang pengalaman mudah terpengaruh dengan dakyah pembangkang yang mahu mengubah kerajaan pada Pilihan Raya Umum ke-13 (PRU13).
Ada pula yang kata mahu tukar kerajaan kerana sudah diperintah BN selama 55 tahun. Ini sesuatu yang merbahaya dan kalau memberi kuasa kepada orang yang tidak baik, ia boleh merosakkan negara kita dalam jangka masa singkat dan ia tidak mudah dipulihkan.
"Generasi muda jangan nak ada selera baru dan cuba parti pembangkang yang hanya akan membawa kerosakan kepada negara.
Mereka harus bijak membuat perbandingan iaitu Malaysia dahulu, sebelum merdeka dan apa yang dicapai sekarang.
Mereka harus ikhlas membuat penilaian bahawa Barisan Nasional yang memerintah selama 55 tahun telah banyak berjasa dalam memajukan Malaysia. Mereka harus membuat pertimbangan waras dan memilih siapa yang boleh memerintah negara ini menjelang PRU13 nanti," katanya selepas menghadiri sesi dialog bersama anggota Kelab Veteran Persatuan Kelab-Kelab Belia Malaysia (MAYC) di Yayasan Kepimpinan Perdana di sini.
Dr Mahathir juga mahu pemimpin veteran yang mengetahui matlamat dan pencapaian negara terus membantu dan memimpin generasi muda yang akan menentukan masa depan negara agar terus menyokong BN yang telah berjasa dalam membawa pembangunan di negara ini.
Tidak dapat dinafikan bahawa generasi muda hari ini mungkin tidak sependapat atau tidak puas dengan kerajaan sekarang tetapi adalah lebih baik memilih orang yang kita kenal dan tahu daripada orang yang tidak kenal. Bak pepatah Inggeris, 'Better the devil you know than the angel you don't," katanya.
The RCI in Sabah has recently revealed shocking allegations that there were ICs given out to illegal immigrants and refugees to allow them to vote. However, we must agree with PM Najib that it is premature to draw any conclusions at this time.
The RCI is NOT a court proceeding but will draw possible conclusions from the testimonies of witnesses without any requirement of court accepted supporting evidences. As such, the end of the RCI is as useful as a perception conclusion to agree with what people has thought had happened all along or throwing doubts as to the veracity of the claims.
In short, one CANNOT draw any conclusions to the RCI proceedings and outcome because it is not a judge or jury but a mere inquiry.
BUT, when Tun M comes out to defend himself publicly and PM Najib also supports his position, now we have the ability to draw some primary conclusions to the veracity of the testimonies thus far, and this is what we can surmise.
Tun M says yes to the fact that such immigration claims were done for foreigners who have been in the country for 20 to 30 years and is within the confines of the law and purview of the executive of the country. PM Najib concurs and supports Tun M in his defense that even Tunku Abdul Rahman allowed that during his time. However, Tun Harris denied the existence of “Project IC” and most probably this will be revolving around the semantics rather than the activities.
At the same time, we now read that Filipino refugees were given ICs within 3 months upon their arrival in the country in Sabah. We also read of alleged actions by ex-NRD officers who gave ICs to illegal immigrants, giving temporary documents to illegal immigrants to enable them to vote as well as accusation that the instructions came from Megat Junid (who has since passed away and cannot defend himself).
So, clearly, Tun M just defended himself with a strawman, PM Najib supported the strawman since the defense had nothing to do with what surfaced from the inquiry. The immigration allegations specifically revolves around Sabah and not the greater Malaya. The refugees who obtained ICs did not lived in Sabah illegally for 20 to 30 years but a mere 3 months. The common knowledge that illegal immigrants were given documents to allow them to vote has since resurfaced during the RCI.
Also remember what Tun M said during the RCI on the Lingam case. He said he cannot remember all through the inquiry. That is why he is so bold to volunteer to testify in this RCI if requested.
Conclusion – Nobody agreed to exactly what the RCI revealed in the testimonies. No court admissible evidence was produce which makes all the testimonies merely allegations. Tun M and PM Najib never made admissions to the specific activities in Sabah.
We now have a lot of NOISE in the blogs and news portals and we Malaysians must be prudent and smart and wise to deduce the truth from what we read. Let us not get excited over nothing.
contohnya azmin ali, zuraida, wan azizah dan saifuddin.. dapat IC kod 71 terus join Pakatan untuk jadi menteri..
The Malaysian Insiders semalam melaporkan Anwar cuba menyalahkan Tun Dr Mahathir.
Katanya Dr Mahathir memberinya kata dua untuk undur secara sukarela atau berhadapan dengan pertuduhan.
Tapi Anwar putar kata Dr Mahathir dengan mengatakan jika dia tidak undur dia maka "charges would be framed against him". Itu putar belit Anwar untuk menjadikan Dr Mahathir.
Terfikirkah kita bahawa adalah lebih realistik, Dr Mahathir akan kata berundur jika tidak awak akan berhadapan dengan pertuduhan di Mahkamah.
Dengan berundur, ianya kurang memalukan. Lebih kurang memalkukan untuk undur dari Dr Mahathir menggunakan kuasanya untuk memecat. Malangnya Anwar berdegil dan mahu mempolitikkan. Dia cuba persoal pemecatannya tetapi Mahkamah Persekutuan jelas kata ianya kausa Dr Mahathir.
dah sekali menipu, anwar akan menipu berkali-kali... tu sudah menjadi tabiat anwar... impian nak jadi PM sampai sanggup membohongi rakyat... memecahbelahkan umat Islam, anwar adalah setan bertopengkan manusia... inilah pemimpin yang sejahat-jahatnya manusia... dengan sahabat ABIM pun dia boleh putar belitkan, aper lagi dengan rakyat biasa...
Yg jelas skrg anwar yg berbohong. Kalau tahun 98 dulu mungkin org nak percaya cakap dia termasuk la dgn aku. Tak dak apa nak malu. Aku dan termasuk beribu2 org lagi di tipu bulat2 oleh anwar.
Buku Tom Plate yang berjudul 'Doctor M: Operation Malaysia-Conversation with Mahathir Mohamad' membuktikan bahawa mantan Perdana menteri itu tidak mempunyai kuasa dan tidak campur tangan terhadap polis.
Melalui buku itu-penulis buku itu mendakwa bahawa Tun Mahathir merasa kehilangan kredibilti-apabila pihak polis menjalankan ops Lalang pada tahun 1987.
Pada Ops Lalang itu-106 orang termasuk pemimpin politik telah ditangkap melalui ISA.
Pengakuan Tun Mahathir melalui buku Tom Plate itu-adalah bercanggah dengan dakwaan pihak pembangkang selama ini-bahawa di zaman pemerintahan Tun Mahathir-pemimpin kerajaan mempergunakan institusi polis untuk kepentingan politik kerajaan.
Dakwaan pihak pembangkang kini terlerai sudah-institusi polis adalah bebas daripada pengaruh kerajaan.
Undian adalah rahsiah, walaupun mereka menerima IC daripada kerajaan tidak bermaksud mereka akan mengundi BN.
Ada ramai juga PATI yang undi pembangkang, bukan juga kerajaan boleh menghalang mereka.
Setiap undian adalah pilihan rakyat ataupun pengundi sendiri.
PATI yang ada IC juga ada hak untuk memilih.
Dalam negara demokrasi ini, pengundi berhak membuat pilihan mereka yang terbaik dalam PRU.
The U.S give out citizenship every year to qualified immigrants
NRD Deputy Director Nik Norashikin Nik Mansur said 66,682 people in Sabah received Malaysian citizenship between 1964 to October 2012. She added that 38,000 were from Malaysia, 13,000 from China, 7,000 from Indonesia, while the rest were from the Philippines, Hong Kong and other countries. Those from Malaysia were born in Malaysia.
The U.S give out citizenship every year to qualified immigrants
The U.S give out citizenship every year to qualified immigrants
Those from China was a bit of a surprise. My British friend who had stayed in this country for almost three decades applied for permanent residence a number of times but to no avail. He passed away some five years ago and became permanent resident in Sabah, as dead as a doornail.
The U.S give out citizenship every year to qualified immigrants
The U.S give out citizenship every year to qualified immigrants
If what the opposition say about the government unlawful exercise to increase Muslim population is true, it seems absurd that the government also give to non-Muslim nationals from other countries.
The U.S give out citizenship every year to qualified immigrants
The U.S give out citizenship every year to qualified immigrants
Many countries give citizenship to immigrants who meet the requirement and abide by the law of the land. Knowing how to speak the local language is a must before citizenship is accorded to the person concerned. Many of the immigrants who had stayed here a few decades can speak better Malay than many local Chinese and Indians that have been here a few generations. Even those from China who have been here just a few years speak better Bahasa than some Malaysian Chinese.
The U.S give out citizenship every year to qualified immigrants
The U.S give out citizenship every year to qualified immigrants
Malaysia also hosted the highest number of Chinese nationals compared to other nationals in its "Malaysia My Second Home" program and surprisingly some have pick up the language faster than some local Chinese.
The U.S give out citizenship every year to qualified immigrants
The U.S give out citizenship every year to qualified immigrants
I was amazed by a Chinese girl from China who was selling some Chinese goods at Wisma Merdeka a while back. She spoke fluent Bahasa Melayu, addressing her customers as abang, pakchik, kakak and so forth. I suppose one have to make an effort when it comes to survival.
The U.S give out citizenship every year to qualified immigrants
The U.S give out citizenship every year to qualified immigrants
As Mahathir said there is nothing wrong in giving immigrants citizenship as long as they meet the requirement. The U.S and many European countries give out citizenship every year to qualified immigrants.
The U.S give out citizenship every year to qualified immigrants
The U.S give out citizenship every year to qualified immigrants
It was also reported that some 128,000 dubious ICs was issued over a period, but after government investigation a total of 91,656 were found to be fake and had been cancelled. Actions had been taken against some NRD officers including invoking the ISA on them for selling ICs to illegal immigrants.
The U.S give out citizenship every year to qualified immigrants
The U.S give out citizenship every year to qualified immigrants
Obviously, these rouge officers, either were making use of government apparatus to do illicit business or taking instructions from their superiors to do the malfeasance to diddle Sabahans of their democratic rights.
The U.S give out citizenship every year to qualified immigrants
The U.S give out citizenship every year to qualified immigrants
Some good are coming out of the RCI and PM Najib should be lauded for his effort to find out the truth. The RCI is getting exciting each day and a boon for crooks, liars, opportunists and honest-to-goodness witnesses sharing the limelight of the unconscionable blame game.
The U.S give out citizenship every year to qualified immigrants
The U.S give out citizenship every year to qualified immigrants
I hope those involved in falsifying and issuing of ICs and tempering with the electoral rolls would be severely punished, irrespective of their positions, be they ministers, NRD officers or EC officers.
The U.S give out citizenship every year to qualified immigrants
The U.S give out citizenship every year to qualified immigrants
The skewed and lopsided pro-opposition news portal and blogs as usual only reported the negatives outcome and censored anything positive of the government.
The U.S give out citizenship every year to qualified immigrants
apapun, jgn biarkan PATI memiliki IC tanpa melalui jalan yang betul.
banteras projek IC
banteras projek IC
Masa depan pendidikan generasi muda akan tergadai sekiranya rakyat silap memilih kerajaan yang hanya pandai bermain kata-kata, kata Timbalan Menteri di Jabatan Perdana, Datuk Ahmad Maslan.
Beliau berkata kegagalan kerajaan Selangor menguruskan Universiti Selangor (Unisel) jelas menunjukkan mereka sekadar bijak berkata-kata tetapi tidak pandai mentadbir.
"Inilah satu lagi siri kegagalan pembangkang dalam menguruskan pendidikan rakyat," katanya
Dalam perkembangan lain Ahmad Maslan, yang juga Ketua Penerangan Umno, berkata pembangkang nyata tidak sepakat berhubung tema sambutan hari kemerdekaan ke-55 tahun ini.
Beliau berkata pembangkang tidak akan mampu bersepakat walaupun 'tidur sebantal' kerana masing-masing 'berlainan mimpi'.
"Mereka adalah pakatan tidak sepakat bukan pakatan rakyat," katanya.
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