Controversial carpet trader Deepak Jaikishan is seeking immunity from prosecution in exchange for more information regarding the Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak’s alleged “misappropriation of power and corruption”.

Deepak made the appeal in a letter which was handed over to the attorney-general in Putrajaya at 12pm today.

In the letter, Deepak expressed his willingness to provide the relevant authorities with more information pertaining to the alleged misuse of power by the country’s top-most leader.

“I am ready to cooperate with whichever enforcement agencies, to provide more information on the prime minister’s (alleged) involvement in the misappropriation of power concerning his family, on the condition that I am accorded protection from any criminal prosecution and issued a certificate of immunity,” he stated in the letter.
Accompanying him to deliver the letter today was PAS vice-president Mahfuz Omar.

Speaking to Malaysiakini, he said the letter was received by Abdul Ghani’s representative, who he only knows as Haji Nasaruddin.

Deepak said he is giving the attorney-general till March 11, which happens to be the businessperson’s birthday, to respond to the request.

Deepak had previously claimed to have been the middle man involved in getting private investigator P Balasubramaniam to make a second statutory declaration (SD), which reversed an earlier one linking Najib to murdered Mongolian national Altantuya Shaariibuu.

This revelation was followed by several other allegations concerning the premier, all of which were denied by Najib and dismissed as unfounded and not credicle.