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Friday 21 December 2012

India To Award Two Highway Projects To Malaysian Firms, Says Najib

By Saraswathi Muniappan

NEW DELHI, Dec 20 (Bernama) -- The Indian government will award two highway projects in Tamil Nadu, South India, to Malaysian firms under a government-to- government arrangement, Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak said.

Malaysia and India signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) in 2010 on highway management and development.

"I informed them that we've already enforced the first phase of the MoU, but the project delivery under the second phase has not materialise yet," he said after a bilateral meeting with India's Prime Minister Dr Manmohan Singh.

He said Manmohan Singh has given his commitment and was prepared to take positive steps to realise the MoU's second phase by offering the opportunity to Malaysian firms to undertake the two highway projects in Tamil Nadu.

Asked where would be the highways in Tamil Nadu, Najib said: "Identification of the highways and the concession companies will be done later. Details will be announced later once the projects have been formally confirmed."

"Apart from that, we also agreed to expand our collaborations with India, a very strategic partner to Malaysia.

"Given the warm and cordial bilateral relations with India, Malaysia is a natural gateway to Indian companies to penetrate the more open Asean market," said Najib, who is also Finance Minister.

On Malaysia-India CEO Forum, Najib said that it was one of the most active CEO forums.

"The forum serves as a platform for the private sector to share their experience on how to operate in India," he said.

"Overall, Malaysian companies have displayed their performance which has earned high appreciation and India has high regard for the capabilities of our companies.

"Projects such as the monorail in Mumbai and the highways that we've built were of the quality that we can be proud of and they also have high regard for our achievements," he added.

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