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Monday 12 November 2012

Periodical Review On Fair Returns To Artistes Needed, Says Najib

KUALA LUMPUR, Nov 12 (Bernama) -- Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak has called for a periodic review of the structure of the entertainment industry that denies a fair return to local artistes.

The prime minister said he would ask Information, Communications and Culture Minister Datuk Seri Dr Rais Yatim, Domestic Trade, Cooperatives and Consumerism Minister Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri Yaakob, and the 1Malaysia Artiste Foundation (YA1M) to come up with proposals to enable the government to help the entertainment industry fairly and equitably.

"I understand that there are singers and actors who are getting relatively small royalties while others are receiving a sizeable amount. I think this situation is not balanced and unfair to local artistes, it should be corrected," Najib said when launching YA1M here Sunday night.

Present were his wife, Datin Seri Rosmah Mansor, Rais, YA1M president Datuk Irwan Shah Abdullah or DJ Dave, and YA1M adviser Datuk Abdul Azeez Abdul Rahim.

Najib said a study should be made on an insurance scheme to protect local artistes when they get sick. "If they fall sick, really sick, not like falling sick in the film, we do not want them to beg for alms, artistes should be protected when they are sick," he said.

Najib proposed that the government provide a RM2 million allocation to YA1M this year and RM3 million next year to enable the foundation to carry out its activities.

He said with the setting up of YA1M and the support of the government, the well-being artistes would be well looked after.

The prime minister said artistes were held in high regard as icons, but only a fraction of the society realised that they were normal human beings experiencing a difficult time, and ups and downs as entertainers.

"This situation will surely be more complicated, maybe more depressing to artistes as they reach a certain age that they can no longer maintain their popularity.

"As they advance towards the twilight years, they will feel the insurmountable pressure to the extend that they are not able to make preparations for their future as senior citizens," he said.

Najib cited the late P. Ramlee as an example of an artiste who was not able to leave behind a fortune despite being a great entertainer.

The prime minister hoped that with the support of artistes towards the setting up of the foundation, the government would be able to lead the country towards a better future.

"If you support the government, I assure you of a nice story to tell the people," he said.

In his speech, Rais said YA1M would act as an umbrella for local artistes comprising actors, singers, entertainers and comedians.

He said the music industry experienced a downturn as consumers turned to digital media to download music instead of buying compact discs while new movies could easily be recorded through pay-television programmes.

"Maybe we can extend the screening period of films in cinemas and on television so that producers can yield better returns, but this has to be decided by the industry," he said.

Meanwhile, Irwan Shah said the idea of forming the foundation was mooted after he visited artistes who were sick and needed assistance.

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