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Monday 24 September 2012

PM’s blinkered views — Jaleel Hameed

SEPT 20 —Mr Prime Minister sir, where have you been these past few weeks? Why are you still harping on whether your political foes want to change the Jalur Gemilang?

Where are you, sir, when Bernama insulted your popularity by photo-shopping a crowd at your event? Why didn't you admonish them, sir?

Do you need this kind of magic to show how popular you are? Do you need to talk about the non-story of the opposition trying to replace the national flag?

Why don't you respond to Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad, sir, who talks about how close you are to buying votes with your programmes like BR1M?

Is the flag issue more important? Or you have been losing the plot and have a delayed reaction to events that has happened in the past two weeks?

Bernama made you look bad, Dr M made you look bad but you want to talk about the flag?

"We see the flag as a symbol of purity and sovereignty of a country.

We harshly condemn anyone involved in such acts," you said today.

But you don't condemn those who make you look bad?

Take charge, sir. We need a good leader for Barisan Nasional to win the next elections. At the rate things are going, sir, it doesn't look that way.

And despite saying Barisan Nasional will score big, there isn't any sign of an election in the offing. Your Umno general meeting is in November and you are talking about a flag.

We need someone forthright, sir. We need someone on the ball. We don't need someone who goes on about a flag. That's an old story, sir.

We don't need you to be an old story, sir, or with blinkered views. Come on, take charge, Mr Prime Minister.

* Jaleel Hameed reads The Malaysian Insider.

* This is the personal opinion of the writer or publication and does not necessarily represent the views of The Malaysian Insider.

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