I dont agree with every point of view taken by Irshad Manji in her books.
Hence, I wish I had the opportunity to engage her in discourse on those view points the last she was here.
Kerismudin and JAWI, though, take the unintelligent and unislamic route.
Ban her writings.
There are at least 3 reasons for this.
The most obvi0us is that they are imbeciles, quite incapable of debating her.
Secondly, banning her books and other such like literature gives the impression the government is proactively defending the fundamentals of Islam, thus placating the Islam – as I say – ists in this country.
Most importantly, for the survival of UMNO elites, it helps to maintain the shackles on the minds of the Malay-Muslim community.
But we can beat them at this.
Someone got me a copy of this book.
Thoroughly enjoyed reading it.
And I’ve passed it on to someone else with a request to do the same once their done reading it.
Said I don’t want to get it back.
Let it just travel to as many readers as possible.
Sort of like a mobile library of books that Kerismudin & gang would rather we don’t read.
Take a photocopy of the original if you want in case you need to refer to it again.
I did, and if I understand why Irshad writes as she does, I’m sure she wont begrudge us this.
In fact, I think she would applaud our efforts to get around the ban.
Next book going out from me?
This is a must read.
I’ll be handing it over to the Headmaster. Those who would like to read it will have to badger him to pass it on once he’s done.
And remember, I dont want it back.
Just keep it moving.
As for Keris and the buffoons at JAWI, this is for you. I could not think of anything more fitting.
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