Breivik told these words on the 2nd day of trial. He said he has killed 77 people in the twin attacks and they were pointed at preserving “ethnic Norwegians culture and indigenous people” on rising multiculturalism.
Asserting that “universal human rights” offered him the command to do his acts, he called himself a “militant nationalist”, then added: “We are drawn from the al-Qaeda and the militant Islamists.”
According to an answer given by Breivik in a questioning session,’ in the whole world al-Qaeda is the most powerful, successful and effective militant.’
Breivik termed his bomb attacks on July 22 as the “preventive” attack in order to avoid the European culture clash with Muslims. Describing Christians “persecuted minority,” Norwegian killer Breivik in the court asked to acquit him after making clear that he had no guilt.
Wenche Elizabeth Arntzen, chief judge often interrupted Breivik on some occasions, asking him to tone down his speech-making and end his speech. Breivik earlier was granted clearance to report in the court through his prepared text. At one instance, he threatened to withhold additional explanation till he was permitted to end his speech. Svein Holden, the prosecutor asked court to allow Breivik to finish his statement. Breivik was given permission to speak for 30 minutes, but ended his lecturing after 73 minutes.
Last year, on July 22, Breivik exploded a car bomb killing eight people in Oslo and in gunfire killed 69 at Utoya Island which is 40 kilometres away from Oslo. Hundreds of people were injured.
In Norway, as death punishment doesn’t exist, Breivik who is a 33-year-old will be facing 21 years of imprisonment with possibility of indeterminate extension as long as Breivik is seen as no danger to the world or necessary mental care, which depends on the final decision whether he is sane or insane.
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