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Monday 2 January 2012

RPK says confident Anwar man in sex video

(The Malaysian Insider) - Raja Petra Kamarudin said today he was “90 per cent” sure the man in the Datuk T sex video was Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim, and that many of his friends believed in the authenticity of the video.
The self-exiled blogger told Umno-owned Utusan Malaysia in an interview that he was initially unsure whether it was Anwar in the video, and that he was certain the latter would not be so “stupid to let himself get caught.”
“I feel that there are more people who believe in the video. Many of them, Anwar’s close friends I met in the UK, Liverpool, Manchester ... they honestly say Anwar is (the one) in the video.
“I think the person is Anwar. I am not saying 100 per cent but 90 per cent or more that is Anwar,” he was quoted by Mingguan Malaysia as saying.
Raja Petra said his opinion changed when Anwar had during a press conference denied knowing Datuk Shazryl Eskay Abdullah, one of the three men responsible for screening the video.
The Malaysia Today portal editor claimed that Anwar had called him three years ago and asked him to help out a “friend” — Shazryl.
“Anwar said the problem was that the government suspected Eskay smuggled me out of Malaysia. The government suspected I went to Langkawi and Eskay (a former Thai honorary consulate) made a Thai passport for me and smuggled me out to Thailand through Langkawi.
“He (Anwar) said the government was causing problems for Eskay and that I had to explain things to clear his name,” said Raja Petra.
He said he then clarified the matter through a posting on his portal, stating how he left Malaysia, and that he did not know Shazryl.
“That was three years ago. Now Anwar says he does not know Eskay ... this made me think and realise. I know Anwar knows Eskay, just say that you really know him. This is actually quite funny,” added the blogger.
Raja Petra said that the PKR de facto leader’s outburst at a press conference during the Sarawak state election when asked about his Omega watch showed he had something to hide.
“Yes, the fact is that if you need to lie, that means you have something to hide. You must be guilty.”
Anwar has repeatedly denied that he was the man seen having sex with a prostitute in the 21-minute video which was first aired to the media in cloak-and-dagger fashion by a mysterious ‘Datuk T’ at a prestigious hotel in April this year.
It was later revealed that Datuk T referred to three notable public figures — former Malacca Chief Minister Tan Sri Rahim Thamby Chik, businessman Datuk Shazryl Eskay Abdullah and former Perkasa treasurer-general Datuk Shuib Lazim.
The latest probe on the case was opened after investigating officer DSP Shanmugan Moorthy lodged a police report claiming Anwar committed the offence under section 182 of the Penal Code.
The crime is punishable with a six-month jail term or a fine of RM2,000.
Home Minister Datuk Seri Hishammuddin had recently said the probe on the sex video was complete and investigation papers handed over to the Attorney-General but the case was sent back to the police to include Anwar’s statement.
He has slammed the police for failing to act on a previous report he had lodged against the Datuk T trio where he accused them of criminal intimidation.
He has also accused BN of masterminding the latest probe against him in the Datuk T sex video saga.
The Opposition leader is also awaiting the verdict on his second sodomy charge, where he is accused of sodomising a former aide.
The former deputy prime minister has vehemently denied the charge, saying that it is part of a ploy to destroy his political career.

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