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Saturday 17 December 2011

Interlok withdrawn from secondary school syllabus

(Malaysiakini) Close to a year since the controversy broke out, the government has announced that it will withdraw the novel Interlok from the secondary school syllabus.

MIC president G Palanivel said today that the government has decided to withdraw the controversial novel from the secondary school syllabus.

The decision was made at the last cabinet meeting, he added.

He said Education Minister Muhyiddin Yassin will make an official announcement soon.

"The decision was made after taking many factors into consideration. The Indian community is grateful for the decision," said Palanivel.

The novel has been a bone of contention among the members of the Indian community as the community claims that it contains offensive words and encourages stereotypes.

Interlok remained as the textbook for the literature component
of the Bahasa Malaysia subject for Form Five this year but with amendments to several aspects deemed sensitive by the Indian community.

NONEAccording to Bernama, Human Resource Minister Dr S Subramaniam  confirmed the cabinet's decision.

The MIC deputy president also hoped the withdrawal of the
novel, authored by national laureate Abdullah Hussain (middle in photo), would be accepted by all quarters and end the controversy.

"The minister of education has agreed not to use this book from next year and I hope his announcement will prevent further acrimony over words deemed sensitive used in the novel," he was quoted as saying in Ayer Keroh today.
Comments from Malaysiakini

Anti-TokKok Is this lame-duck MIC president qualified to speak for INDIANS in general? And why should the Indian community be grateful for this bare-faced racism? Sometimes, I wonder what this world is coming to..... Such disgusting, repulsive and arrogant racists who dare to imagine themselves as so-called "top" national leaders of this blighted country.

Freemsia Whoa,.... good things surely can be seen when election is coming. To all my Indian friends, do make sure to go home and tell your parents that all of this has nothing to do with taking care of the feeling of the Indians and has EVERYTHING to do to make Indians feel good and vote for BN.

Fiat justitia, ruat caelum Palanivel and MIC can be grateful for this; the Indians care not.

PS_207d Damage is damage and MIC UMNO dont expect the indians will vote for you.We will bury the idiots

Anonymous_4182 Teaching our school children, the future leaders of Malaysia the truth and nothing but the truth on history of this country seems so sensitive by politician. These young minds are going to grow up to find out they have been duped by irresponsible politicians who care not for real knowledge, but been fed fabled tales of the history of their country. What sort of leaders do we have? They called themselves desperately champion of the people. Patriots!

AKUCINA A little bit of sweetener for the Indians pre-GE13. Some 'smart Indians' will run with joy. Wake Up, Macha.

Malaysian Born This should have been done a long time ago, there was no need for all the delays. It was clear as day to any literate, decent person with any breeding that the references in the book were unacceptable. Once the issue was brought up it should have been dealt with imediately by removing it from the curriculum. There is nothing wrong with the book being available as literature in librarys but for it to be part of the official curriculum basically meant that the government is in agreement with the sentiments expressed since there are direct references in the local context, this cannot be. So much goodwill and credibility was lost by all this back and forth and silly excuses. I dont think anyone is impressed at this point but I feel that one must always be appreciative of any correct and righteous decisions by the government.

Zz2XX Palanivel, why on earth should the Indian community be grateful for the decision? It took umNO one whole year to decide on the matter. At almost the eve of GE13, umNO finally decided to withdraw the book just make it look good. Damn hypocrites.

Narrish Damage done , no forgive.We will still vote out UMNO and cronies.

AnSoN mooheeedeeen lost his water face and all those defenders of the so called novel???? where is your pride????? fight lah and defend for it not to be withdrawn. hei hei hei, if I am an Indian, I will tell ya, go fly kite, I don't give a damn if you withdraw or now later or before, shit damage is done and I will be plain stupid to be taken into believe the bloody gomen's sincerirty. fark you moooooheeeeedeeeeen and the bloody gomen.

Anonymous_ABG One ass said that Indians came here as beggers then a text book comes out stating Indians (Tamils)are pariahs - which definitely embraces the Mentri Besar of Perak - and now we are told the Interlok book which generously says Tamil Indians are pariahs is being withdrawn. The truth is yet to be confrmed by the Education Minister. The timing is such that UMNO has thrown a sucked-up bone to the MIC for election support - will the Tamils support BN?.The fact that Nallakaruppan of a rival Indian party which is not in the BN family is an insult to MIC. MIC has lost its respect - its best for MIC to withdraw from BN.ABG

Malaysian53 The only consideration is GE13 period! Enough lah MIC chief. This is long overdue and there is nothing to thank about. First a racist fiction is used as a history book in secondary schools! After all the reluctance to change, all of a sudden there can be a reversal. Don't the Indians have half a brain to ask? On top of everything, we need a mandore, Palanival to thank the biggest racist of all, Muhyiddin. I sincerely hope the Indians will use their common sense at GE13. Unless the Indians want another 50 years of marginalisation from Govt, schools, universities etc.

Alan Goh The Interlok is withdrawn from secondary school syllabus is not because of MIC lah but to pull wool over the Indian voters eyes due to the coming 13th General Election.. It is just like the BR1M where RM500-00 is given to every house-hold whose annual income is less than RM3000/-. Why is it only after 54 yrs under the corrupted UMNO/BN is the Government that generous with tax-payers money.Use your head lah and do not fall for the 1Malaysia PM ruse. Rational and Bersih voters should just take the BR1M RM500-00 which rightly belongs to them and continue to vote for for a change of Government that is Bersih and accountable to the Rakyat.After all,what is the BR1M RM500/-one-off payment to the poor rakyat as compared to the RM250 million loan given to NFC just for Ternakan Lembu.Use your head,boy!!!

Dr Suresh Kumar Credit should go to the 54 Hindraf activists who took part in the anti-Interlok protest and also to Saudara Thasleem Mohammad of NIAT for their relentless campaign against a school book which makes a hypocritical mockery of Najib's so-called 1MALAYSIA. Following this decision by the government, the case against the Hindraf 54 who are staring at a three-year jail term for speaking up against a book which promotes racism in schools should be dropped immediately. If more serious charges against the PSM 6 and the Bersih 2.0 activists could be dropped, civil society must also demand that the ridiculous charges against the Hindraf 54 be also dropped. The incapacitated MIC numbskull should fight for the 54 instead of claiming credit for the hard work and sufferings of others.

Observer of Johor "The decision was made after taking many factors into consideration. The Indian community is grateful for the decision," said Palanivel. Our Indian friends, don't be too happy, the Government took one year to come to this decision. After GE 13, if BN garnered the majority, everything might be reversed, you know the Flip Flop ..

Astraltroubleshooter Apple polisher and desperadoes are at work to get the Indians votes. The Malaysians Voters say "Balls to You - the UMNO-BN Regime" The Racism nurtured by the UMNO-BN for the last 54 years is dead. It is finished and will be buried in the same coffin with UMNO at the 13th GE to be held in January (very likely) after the 9th when the future Prime Minister of Malaysia Anwar Ibrahim is put off. GET IT STRAIGHT, WE THE MALAYSIAN RAKYAT ARE DETERMINED TO REMOVE THE CORRUPT REGIME.

crony a single individual being called metallic black , demand for apology ...a whole community being called pariah and intended to be used as education withdraw , no need for apology , instead the indian chief says grateful to the ones who called them pariah , the whole community will happily vote for BN .....where else can this happen but only in BN Malaysia...Malaysia Bolih

Lone_star The gratittude game continues. The Bn gomen is going to demand the Indian community to express its gratitude for this magnanimous withdrawal of Interlok. Hopefully, the community can remember how long drawn out the fight was to get the said book withdrawn in the first place. Please, also do remember who started the controversy. The MINIster of Education is suddenly so very bisu.

Makcik Har Those people in the Education Ministry and UMNO Gomen cabinet are real dunggus ! Everybody was saying the novel should be withdrawn from day 1. Instead they form this committee that committee to study this and that. All makan gaji buta ! So much angst was caused. Now after 1 year , they decide to withdraw it. Real Dunggus !

Onyourtoes Why the proud Minister for Education did not announce this news? Has it ever occurred to you, Palanivel and Subra, this very act is a sign of arrogance - that he has no respect for the Indian community. Pariah in Interlok is one thing and being treated like one is another.

Louis No, the book was withdraw not due to other factors. It is withdrawn only due to one factor - to win Indian votes!!!

1Malay-sia-sia Damage already done....u arrogant idiot Moo-moo. Why withdraw only now.....what changes between then and now......GE13....right???

Gandhi Candy to the gullible Indians. MIC, don't you fellows think that you worked for it. Hindraf, the active movement and other passive groups played a big role in opposing this novel. Credit goes to these people and NOT MIC.

Saneesvara the mamak's foresight is damn good, he can see all the idiots now surfacing

Anticommunalist First you introduce a racist syllabus. Then you withdraw it after the damage is already done. Then MIC beats the drums and go all over the village proclaiming UMNO is great. Is this a circus govt or what ?
Anti-corruption Anthony. Election around the corner. Bee End can do wonder. Flip flop MOE.

ksn What are the factors that the Education Minister took into account, Acting MIC boss? GE is around the corner,right? Did not the Education Minister categorically refuse to withdraw the infamous book after many attempts by MIC, NGOs and even the panel set up to study the book which recommended it's withdrawal? If for this silly withdrawal, if the Indians vote for UMNOBNMIC, they fully deserve the marginalization, the neglect, insults, abuses suffered by them, all with the compliments of UMNO, MIC, Mahathir and Samy, for more than 30 years, bringing them to their present state of shame- orphans in prosperous Malaysia. Do not forget Indians that you and your forefathers played a critical role towards this prosperity which the Malays benefited immensely from, enjoying it thoroughly. They can insult, humiliate, marginalize the Indians but no one should forget that the Indians in Malaysia and elsewhere are the descendants of a great culture and civilization.Think about it Indians,others.

Compass Score : The People - 1 Muhyddin -0

Ape man The hurt which was felt cannot be removed.Hurt is Hurt and can never be forget.

Saneesvara Next should be BTN (Biro Tata Negara)

malaysianstudent as usual, this is used as a tool for MIC to get back indian voters. why didnt the minister of education announce it? since this was pertaining to school syllabus. stupid political gimmick to potray MIC as champions of interlok issue.

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