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Monday 5 December 2011

Government Determined To Maintain Record In Preserving Peace, Stability, Says DPM

KUALA LUMPUR, Dec 4 (Bernama) -- The Barisan Nasional (BN) government is determined to maintain its record in preserving peace and stability in the country through multiracial cooperation in various fields, said Deputy Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin.

He said the cooperation included political power-sharing and economic cooperation which contributed to peace, stability and prosperity.

Muhyiddin said the BN government was also committed to continuous safeguarding of the interests of all races in the country without sidelining any so that its prosperity could be enjoyed by all.

"I believe the Chinese community is rational and they would always want to see a stable and harmonious Malaysia so that they can live and do business in peace and happiness," he said in his speech at the 20th anniversary dinner of the Federation of Chinese Associations (Hua Zong) and taking of oath by its central committee members, here, Sunday night.

He hoped Hua Zong and other non-governmental oganisations could together with the government in contributing towards enriching pluralism in order to build a more progressive Malaysian society, increase economic growth, preserve national stability and to protect the rights of the people in practising their respective religions, languages and culture.

Muhyiddin said that as a government which was responsive and sensitive to the needs of the people, it was always willing to hear their 'pulse' and grouses regardless of race and religion.

As proof, he said, many views from the Chinese community, whether on the economy, education, welfare and social matters had been accepted and implemented by the government.

"With the combined efforts of the government and the country's multiracial population, Malaysia has achieved a level of progress and development that we can be proud of and is a role model for other countries.

"We are one of the most successful multiracial nations in preserving peace, stability and prosperity from the early days of our independence until now. Not many multiracial countries in the world have achieved what we have in this area."

Muhyiddin said with mutual understanding, tolerance, respect and cooperation, Malaysia had emerged as a prosperous and peaceful multiracial nation.

In this era of globalisation, Malaysia as a multiracial country is in a strategic position to have the edge, based on its plural society and cultural and religious diversity.

"The uniqueness of every community here in terms of traditions and culture, and intelligence and skills in various economic sectors is our biggest asset in enhancing our capability and capacity, and the country's competitiveness at the international level," he added.

Also present at the function were Hua Zong president Tan Sri Pheng Yin Huah and Tourism Minister Datuk Seri Dr Ng Yen Yen.

Muhyiddin also presented certificates of service to the committee members who have served Hua Zong for more than 10 years.

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