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Monday 5 December 2011

Abolish death penalty, says lawyer

The Star

A LAWYER has called on the Government to abolish the death penalty and other forms of capital punishment if it opposes hudud law.

Edmund Bon said certain forms of punishment under hudud law such as amputation was cruel and inhumane, and similar to whipping and the death penalty.

“If we are against punishment that allows amputation, then abolish all capital punishment as well,” he said at the forum.

Otherwise, he said all arguments against hudud law would fall flat.

Bon, a campaigner for the Malaysian Centre for Constitutionalism and Human Rights, also said a new set of offences needs to be included under the Federal Constitution if hudud law was to be implemented.

“Hudud law cannot be simply implemented without the Federal Constitution being amended. If the Government does not approve amending the constitution to include amputation, lashing and chopping of the hands, then it cannot be implemented, simple as that,” Bon said.

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