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Tuesday 15 November 2011

Gani Patail’s Deep Involvement In Latest Anwar Ibrahim Police Probe Is Confirmed

Home Minister Hishamuddin Hussein Onn announced today that the investigation papers in the latest police probe against Opposition leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim has been submitted to the Atttorney General. The probe is the newest in a series of politically motivated police and prosecutorial actions launched against Anwar Ibrahim since 1998, with the complicity of UMNO, A-G Gani Patail and the top police leadership. This time Anwar is being investigated for supposedly giving false information to the police. Hishamuddin’s statement is surprising, disturbing and suspicious. Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim is only scheduled to give a statement to the police on this matter on Wednesday 16th November 2011; yet it seems the papers had already been submitted to the Attorney General. This development confirms the deep involvement of the A-G Tan Sri Gani Patail in this latest police investigation against the Federal opposition leader.
Serious allegations of Gani Patail’s involvement in fabricating evidence in the first sodomy trial and the ‘black-eye’ investigation have yet to be resolved or answered. Further, Gani Patail’s animosity towards the political opposition in general and biasness in favour of the BN government is a matter of public knowledge. It should be noted that widespread public concern on this matter had forced former Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi in July 2008 to order that A-G Gani Patail have no direct involvement in the second sodomy trial. What is clear is that Anwar can have no hope of fairness or justice in this latest police action against him. This relentless and disgraceful hounding, harassment and intimidation of Anwar Ibrahim must stop; the BN government must realise that the people of this country and the global community are watching and judging their actions.
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