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Tuesday 30 August 2011

Najib Condemns Attempts To Discredit Sacrifices Of Forefathers, Security Forces

KUALA LUMPUR, Aug 29 (Bernama) -- Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak tonight vehemently condemned the statements and attempts by anyone to discredit the sacrifices of the country's forefathers and security forces in the struggle for independence.

He said it was most regrettable that there were people who hero-worshipped the outlawed Communist Party of Malaya (CPM) which he said was anti-national and against God and religion.

The prime minister said this in his special message for Aidilfitri and the 54th anniversary of independence, and was apparently referring to a statement allegedly made by PAS deputy president Mohamad Sabu.

Mohamad Sabu was alleged to have said that the communist terrorists who attacked and killed 25 police personnel and their families in the Bukit Kepong bloody tragedy in 1950 were the real heroes because they were fighting against the British.

"While we are in a celebrative mood, let's not ever forget the sacrifices and blood and sweat of our forefathers and members of our security forces who fought for independence," Najib said in his message broadcast over Radio Television Malaysia (RTM).

He said the people should bear in mind that what the country enjoyed so far did not come by accident or that it could be sustained if the country's independence was not appreciated or safeguarded.

Najib said that it was important that the people nurture national unity and patriotism.

He also said that the coming of the Aidilfitri and National Day celebrations brought about a deep meaning about how blessed Malaysia was.

Calling on the people to continue with the open house tradition, Najib assured them that the government would continue with providing direct subsidy on essential items such as rice, cooking oil, flour and sugar as well as fuel such as the RON 95 petrol, diesel and liquefied petroleum gas apart from the subsidy on health and education.

The government, however, would be doing so in a prudent manner so as not to hurt the country's fiscal health, he said.

He said several initiatives had already been launched to help ease the burden borne by the people, such as through the introduction of the 1Malaysia Shop which offers essential items at a lower price.

Apart from that, basic healthcare can be obtained for RM1 at 1Malaysia Clinics. Under the 1Malaysia Welfare Programme (KARISMA), a total of RM1.4 billion has been allocated for half a million senior citizens, disabled persons, single mothers as well as police and armed forces widows.

Najib who is also finance minister said although the increase in food prices was a global phenomenon, the government would still work on finding the best ways to handle the problem and also the high cost of living.

The Cabinet Committee on Supplies and Prices chaired by Deputy Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin also proves the government's commitment to ensure the planned and implemented programme will really help the people.

Najib stressed that the government's efforts would not cease because there would be comprehensive follow-ups to effectively handle problems faced by low and medium-income families in the 2012 budget, to be presented early October.

He is proud of the country's achievements, and described Malaysia as an oasis in the midst of a chaotic world hit by constant political and economical upheavals.

"Today, as we know, the economic giants of the world such as the United States and several European countries, which are advanced economies, are facing serious financial crisis to the extend of requiring a 'bailout.'

"On the other hand, Malaysia, as a result of a prudent and efficient economic management, is not only able to expand its economy and create job opportunities but also able to give a half month bonus to 1.4 million civil servants involving RM2 billion to celebrate the Aidilfitri and the National Day," he said.

Najib reminded the people not to be contented with the success achieved thus far as the highest objectives of the government was to raise the welfare of the people as the main national vision since independence.

He said the government would continue to implement proactive programmes to ensure the creation of new wealth and continuous economic growth and produce high income jobs in line with the higher skills acquired.

"What is desired is a prosperous and harmonious country, where each individual is willing to work hard and raise his level of skills and use all available opportunities wisely for a better life and bring benefit to our generations to come," he said.

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