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Wednesday 9 March 2011

Police quiz women protesters

Several women staged a peaceful demonstration to mark International Women's Day but the police intercepted it.

KUCHING: Police questioned several women here who staged a brief peaceful demonstration at the KucHing Waterfront, overlooking the Sarawak State Legislative Assembly near here, in conjunction with the 100th celebration of International Women’s Day.

The women were from Sarawak PKR and the Sarawak Rural Women Association.

Among them were Ampang MP and PKR Wanita chief Zuraida Kamaruddin.

Zuraida, who flew into Kuching to attend the demonstration, was summoned by police to give her statement while returning to Kuala Lumpur.

She was asked to report herself to the Kuching Airport police station where her statement was taken.

Also questioned was Voon Shiak Ni, vice-chairman of Sarawak PKR women’s wing.

PKR information chief See Chee How said that a dozen more members were expected to be questioned tomorrow at 2.30pm.

He said the police had also indicated that they would question him, PKR secretary Abang Engkeh Abang, and other senior members including a number of PKR women wing leaders and members.

According to Voon, the police arrived very early at the Kuching waterfront and were apparently amused by the sight of more than 100 balloons that some people had displayed.

“But there was not a single person present. We watched the police from afar.

“Finally at 8am I approached a police officer and told him that we were going to assemble to celebrate the 100th celebration of the International Women Day.

“The officer told me there was no permit for the assembly, but I told him since when the police are going to give us the permit,” she said.

Voon insisted to have an assembly for a brief minute at the waterfront.

Zuraida gave a short address and dispersed before the arrival of more police personnel including from FRU units.

The Sarawak Rural Women Association members were led by their president Hellan Empaing.

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