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Wednesday 9 March 2011

Muhyiddin Kicks Off Mumbai, Delhi, Chennai Tour

By P. Vijian

MUMBAI, March 8 (Bernama) -- India-Malaysia diplomatic and trade relations will receive a further boost with Deputy Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin's visit to India this week.

The plane carrying Muhyiddin and his delegation of senior cabinet ministers and high ranking officials landed at Mumbai's Chhatrapatti Sivaji International Airport at 8.30pm (11pm Malaysian time) Tuesday.

He arrives just weeks after the signing of the landmark India-Malaysia Comprehensive Economic Cooperation Agreement and a year after Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak's maiden visit -- clearly signifying the importance of bilateral ties.

"This is his first official visit as deputy prime minister, it will give an opportunity to touch base with the Indian leadership and strengthen relations between both countries," Malaysia's High Commissioner to India Datuk Tan Seng Sung told Malaysian media here Tuesday.

Muhyiddin will be on a three-city visit starting from Mumbai today (Tuesday) and two days later his itinerary takes him to New Delhi and later to Chennai, where he concludes his India's programme.

In Mumbai, he is expected to meet top Indian businessmen - business tycoons Mukesh Ambani and Ratan Tata, another prominent industrialist.

At the captain of industries meeting, representatives from a range of companies - biotech, wind and solar energy and infrastructure are expected to be present on Wednesday.

A slew of important appointments are awaiting Muhyiddin in Delhi, where he will meet Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and several of his cabinet members that are expected to touch on bilateral matters.

"It will be an opportunity to discuss issues, our bilateral ties are at the peak now. This is a goodwill visit," added Tan.

Sabah Chief Minister Datuk Seri Musa Aman and Malaysia's Special Envoy to India on Infrastructure Datuk Seri S. Samy Vellu arrived Monday in conjunction with Muhyiddin's visit.

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