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Thursday 24 February 2011

More curbs on freedom of expression last year, says CIJ

The Star 

PETALING JAYA: The Government imposed greater restrictions last year on all forms of expression, especially on views expressed through the Internet, the Centre for Independent Journalists (CIJ) claimed.

“Authors and bloggers have been arrested, books banned, show-cause letters issued to newspapers and printing permits denied,” the press freedom watchdog said in its Freedom of Expression in Malaysia 2010 report.

The CIJ said efforts to suppress genuine freedom of expression in the country were likely to continue, but it would not be an easy task.

“It will become increasingly difficult to silence the growing and divergent voices that have emerged, especially with the Internet’s growing role,” the CIJ said in the report.

Politicians who were also bloggers and frequent users of social networks felt that people should have absolute freedom in commenting on government policies but should be restricted when it came to sensitive issues.

“Those who post racist or seditious statements should be penalised even if they post it on social networking websites or blogs,” Kota Belud MP Datuk Abdul Rahman Dahlan said.

MIC Youth information chief S. Subramaniam said that while there should not be any restrictions on online news portals, the comments made on personal blogs and social media should be controlled.

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