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Tuesday 23 November 2010

Najib Reminds Certain Quarters Not To Be Like A mouse Fixing A Pumpkin

KUANTAN, Nov 22 (Bernama) -- Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak Monday reminded certain quarters not to try change the Federal Constitution so that they will not be like the proverbial "mouse fixing a pumpkin" (seperti tikus membaiki labu).

This Malay proverb means that when someone tries to fix something which he does not have sufficient knowledge in, he will end up making it worse instead.

Najib said the country's system of constitutional monarchy and parliamentary democracy should be protected as it had successfully brought peace and political stability, as well as fulfilled the people's aspirations.

"For this, everyone must continue to protect the existing system which has proven effective in bringing stability and there is no reason for us to be like a mouse fixing a pumpkin."

The prime minister said this when launching the book, "Raja Dan Rakyat Berpisah Tiada" written by Datuk Halim Ibrahim, at Dewan Jubli Perak Sultan Haji Ahmad Shah, here Monday night.

The book was published in conjunction with the Sultan of Pahang, Sultan Ahmad Shah's 80th birthday celebration.

Also present at the launch were the Tengku Mahkota of Pahang Tengku Abdullah Sultan Ahmad Shah and his consort, Tengku Puan Pahang Tunku Azizah Aminah Maimunah Sultan Iskandar, and Menteri Besar Datuk Seri Adnan Yaakob.

Najib said the constitutional monarchy and parliamentary democracy system also allowed for planned and orderly development and as a result, the people's standard of living had gone up in the last 50 years.

"We have also managed to turn Malaysia from a low-income agriculture country to a modern and industrialised one with a higher income."

He said the system had also proven to be the best system and clearly effective as it combined the country's best traditions and heritage with the people's aspirations.

Najib said history had shown that the country's path towards this system of government was an evolving one pillared by the people's solidarity against a backdrop of civility and harmony, which was different in some countries which involved revolution and anarchy.

On the book, Najib said it would enable readers to know better the heart and soul of the Pahang Sultan as the author was close to the ruler.

He said the book was important as it recorded history and could be a guide for current and future generations.

"Indeed a people that has no interest in its own history and heritage is weak and bereft of spirit," he added.

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