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Tuesday 23 November 2010

Komentar Umum: Nafi Nota Klinikal Sudah Dijangka

‘Everyone following the Sodomy II case ‘knows’ that Anwar Ibrahim will be denied the clinical notes. It was a foregone conclusion.’

Semen can stay in rectum for 72 hours: Doc

Cheong Sai Fah: To someone not in the legal profession, denying Anwar Ibrahim access to the doctors’ notes seems grossly unfair and morally wrong, even if there is a legal technical reason to support the judge’s decision. How can any fair-minded person be persuaded that Anwar has been given a fair trial?

I do hope that the neutral Malay voters view this as unfair treatment and cast their votes accordingly. Then the politician who declared that he doesn’t need votes from the Indians and the Chinese may begin to sit up and take note.

Yobama: This case is just a ‘modern’ version of the classical intrigues that plagued the Malay ruling class in the ancient Malacca kingdom, dating back to Hang Tuah’s time. In the place of the hereditary sultans, we now have elected PMs and elected DPMs as the puppeteers. They call the tune, and the judges and AG’s Chambers just simply carry out their ‘duties’ in obedience to the master.

Now the whole world is following the unravelling of the plot, when during the Malacca sultanate days only people close to the istana knew the storyline.

Is this the height of ‘ketuanan’ Melayu governance where the incumbents wield their power by persecuting their political foes just to stay in power? Is this the execution of Najib Razak’s pledge to ‘defend Putrajaya with their crushed bodies’ and by selling all their souls?

Defending by hook or by crook? To me, it is more by crook.

Teh: Everyone following the Sodomy II case ‘knows’ that Anwar Ibrahim will be denied the clinical notes. It was a foregone conclusion. In Malaysia,

judicial decisions can be foretold by any man in the street in cases where Umno is involved.

Changeagent: I think 99.9% of all Malaysians have the same extraordinary powers to predict the outcome of this case. The other 0.1% of the population are either indifferent or in denial.

Lim Chong Leong: This is a persecution, not prosecution. How can the defence team even imagine if there are contradictions between the clinical reports, the medical reports and the doctor’s testimony if they are not allowed to see any of it? If they are all consistent, then fine, they won’t pursue that line of cross. That would actually save time.

But if there were contradictions and the witness is discredited, the court can then determine that the evidence is useless. What harm can there be to allow the defence access to the prosecution’s documents?

This is not a card game of bluff. This is our judicial and criminal process. And Umno is screwing it up just so they can stay in power to plunder us further.

Sarawakian: Justice has to be seen to be done. Our judiciary and our judges are becoming a laughing stock to the world. It’s time they salvage at least a little of their sullied reputation. Now even the doctors are in cahoots with corrupt politicians.

Allan Kong: Brother judge, who are you to judge that the reason for the release of the medical report is based on a hunch? Why can’t the report be revealed to show the truth? The very act of concealing the facts is tantamount to a criminal act.

Ranjit Singh: Anwar’s lawyers must be ready to face such a stupid decision and able to counter it. You can’t expect fairness and justice in an Umno court, but you can put the judge to shame when you anticipate what it is going to be. We can continue to run the system down, but if we cannot synergise to anticipate what is expected and prepare for it, it then it becomes about political manoeuvering that we are all so use to.

Look at Karpal Singh – didn’t he know the date of the hearing? Suddenly he needs to table a motion in Parliament that is of no use, as nothing will come out of it as has been the case from time immemorial. Sure, it is a kangaroo court, but didn’t we know that already?

“In today’s decision, High Court judge Mohd Zabidin Mohd Diah ruled that the defence had failed to give reasons as to why the court should allow Anwar access to the medical notes.”

Can there be anyone more ignorant of the concept of innocent until proven guilty, until all avenues and options are provided to ensure a human’s liberty? The important transcendental factor is that clear principle and common law that aims to protect the accused based on reason and common sense, not procedures and man-made law to satisfy Umno and its cronies.

It is obviously the lack of impartiality and the human failings and the abandonment of any pretence of objectivity to that rights that are adjudicated upon by people who are biased that does a disservice to Malaysians.

CarL: If PM Najib Razak can be considered a murderer, and an elected MP can say this out loud in the Parliament, then why is it difficult to believe that the accused is guilty of what he is accused of?

Calling the PM a murderer in Parliament is something never heard off, and even if he is guilty, there is no need to behave like that. There are avenues, and as an elected representative, you must show a good example.

Anonymous: While Augustine Paul was famous for the words ‘irrelevant, irrelevant, irrelevant’, this judge Mohamad Zabidin Mohd Diah seems smarter with his ‘masuk bilik, masuk bilik, masuk bilik’

Omi: The ‘Third Force’ attacked PKR about its ‘unfair’ party elections, that PKR is a ‘pa-ma’ party, that Azmin Ali is bullying Zaid Ibrahim into a corner, and that Dr Syed Husin Ali is nyanyu.
How ironic that they choose to keep an elegant silence on this kangaroo court issue.

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