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Monday 11 October 2010

Women harassed at PKR election lodge police report

By Queville To - Free Malaysia Today,

PENAMPANG: Yet another police report has been made against a supporter of Darell Liking, the winner of the recent PKR's Penampang divisional elections.

This time, it was made by a female party member for racist and sexist remarks allegedly hurled against her and her female friend by Darell’s supporters on the polling day on Oct 3.

In the report lodged on Oct 7, the complainant identified a supporter of Darell as one of those who insulted her and her friend.

The same supporter was said to have manhandled and punched a contender, Dr Roland Chia, during the elections and he subsequently lodged a police report.

The complainant, who spoke on the condition of anonymity claimed that Darell’s supporters had among others called her and her friend “China Dolls, Pelacur Cina (Chinese whores)”.

They claimed that the individual also shouted: “Orang Penampang tidak mahu kamu, bagus kamu balik China.” (You’re not welcome by the Penampang people, you better go back to China).

“The shouts were so loud and disturbing to a point where it became unbearable and we wanted to call it quits and go home. It was really a horrible experience as never in my life have I been called a whore.

"It was totally unbearable for me. I do not need to subject myself to all these racial insults and sexual harassments,” she said.

Racist culture in PKR

A new member of the party, she stressed that she just wanted to exercise her right as a party member to elect those who she thought could provide good leadership.

Her friend, who is in her 30s also said she was disappointed over what transpired that day.

“I may look Chinese, but I'm actually a Sino-Kadazan. What has happened to our Penampang community? We used to be a tight-knit, harmonious and tolerant society,” she said.

She said the incident showed that a racist culture has crept in into PKR.

“How come some of these candidates could employ such disgusting and intimidating tactics? What difference does PKR make compared to Umno or, were they actually Umno boys in disguise?” she asked.

She regretted that Darell had allowed his supporters to harass the other contenders and their supporters.

She wants the PKR leadership to warn its divisional leaders that they will be punished for the loutish behaviour of their supporters.

The two complainants said they joined PKR early last year as they were inspired by young Pakatan leaders like Hannah Yeo and Elizabeth Wong.

They showed courage and enthusiasm towards making a difference to the people of this country, besides the party’s struggle for justice for all, regardless of colour and creed.

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