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Monday 11 October 2010

Gerakan sec-gen: It's not winners take all verdict

By Athi Shankar - Free Malaysia Today

GEORGE TOWN: Gerakan secretary general Teng Chang Yeow warns the Penang party leadership not to be carried away with the ‘victory’ at the unprecedented extraordinary general meeting (EGM) here today.

He cautioned the jubilant state chairman Dr Teng Hock Nan not to take lightly the dissenting views of party grassroots, who expressed support to the motion of no confidence against his state leadership.

Although Teng survived the motion, the junior Teng said the result shall never be misconstrued as a “winners take all, losers lose all” verdict by delegates.

The junior Teng, who cast his vote as a state delegate, said that one must look into the fact that some 45 per cent of delegates cast their votes in support of the motion.

“It shows nearly half of the delegates present voted against the state chairman.

“We cannot neglect or ignore their dissenting views and opinions. The delegates represent the grassroots sentiments,” he told a press conference after the EGM.

It was a close call on Penang Gerakan chairman Dr Teng when he survived the motion with a 29-vote majority.

From the 320-delegate votes cast, Dr Teng garnered 174 votes against 145 votes for the vote of no confidence, with a vote spoilt.

The EGM was held when an informal party grassroots movement (VGG) submitted a petition on Sep 17 calling for it with support of 64 party members.

A jubilant Dr Teng said afterwards that the result was actually a vote of confidence on him, shown by delegates to continue to lead the party.

It’s learnt that during his EGM run-in campaign to canvass support, Dr Teng has assured party members that he would outline a smooth leadership transition plan if he survived the motion of no confidence.

'Failed opportunity'
The junior Teng called on Dr Teng to engage in dialogue sessions with grassroots members, who were against his leadership.

“The state leadership should first address various issues raised by this dissenting group. Otherwise it would be difficult to move ahead as one party in one spirit,” he said.

A VGG coordinator, Yeap Ban Choon, expressed disappointment with the motion’s defeat, adding that his group had expected the motion to be passed with simple majority until this morning.

He lamented that Gerakan delegates have failed to seize an opportunity presented by the EGM to reform the party.

The EGM outcome is expected to draw some serious repercussions on the party in Penang with a chain reaction at national level.

Some disappointed branch leaders aligned to VGG are said to be contemplating resigning from their positions while several members are expected to leave Gerakan soon.

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