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Friday 10 September 2010

We don't need you, Perkasa tells Umno

By Stephanie Sta Maria  - Free Malaysia Today

KUALA LUMPUR: Perkasa received a stinging blow today when Umno publicly distanced itself from the Malay right-wing group in move to avoid declining support for BN among non-Malays.

However in a defiant reply, Perkasa chief Ibrahim Ali declared that Perkasa doesn't need the support of Umno or any political party in the fight for its cause.

“All we need is the support of our members and ordinary citizens who believe in our fight to defend the constitution and towards good governance,” he said in a text message.

Umno secretary-general Tengku Adnan Tengku Mansor yesterday assured BN component parties that Umno would not support Perkasa or Ibrahim in the next general election.

BN members have recently slammed Perkasa for activities that contradict the 1Malaysia concept and  Tengku Adnan agreed that allegations of Umno's ties with Perkasa would be detrimental to the party.

Perkasa secretary-general Syed Hassan Syed Ali, in his response to this statement, expressed surprise over Tengku Adnan's 'bravery' in saying as such.

“His claim that our actions have caused unhappiness within Umno because we erode the people's support for the party reeks of arrogance,” he said.

“I'd like to remind him that some of Umno and BN's recent actions have also pushed their supporters away.”

Syed Hassan predicted that Umno would single-handedly lose its own supporters because it's leadership hasn't changed at all.   

“Perkasa is merely advising Umno and BN to open their eyes to their own faults,” he continued. “But if they choose to interpret this advice as detrimental to support from the grassroots, then so be it.”

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