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Wednesday 25 August 2010

'Torturers' sought as witnesses in airman's trial

( Malaysiakini) Ex-airman N Tharmendran's lawyers have applied in the Shah Alam High Court to summon the two majors, who had allegedly tortured him, as witnesses.
azlanN Surendran, Tharmendran's lead counsel, said the application was made yesterday and they hope it will be heard in the High Court tomorrow.
“I will raise it (application) with the judge tomorrow, and hopefully it will be heard with our application to dispose of Tharmendran's case,” he said when contacted today.
Tharmendran had earlier claimed that he was tortured while being detained by military intelligence officers, in connection with the theft of two RMAF jet engines.
He is jointly charged with Rajandran Prasad Kusy with the theft of the engines at the air movement section of the Subang air force base some time in December 2007.
If found guilty under Section 380 of the Penal Code, he could be sentenced to 10 years' jail.
He faces a second charge of abetment under Section 109 of the Penal Code for collaborating with senior airman Mohamad Shukri Mohamad Yusop in the theft of the engines from the Sungai Besi airforce base.
Meanwhile, the Shah Alam High Court is expected to decide on his application to dispose of his case tomorrow morning.
Tharmendran's lawyers had in July filed an application to strike out his case on the grounds that it is an abuse of the court process and frivolous.

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