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Wednesday 25 August 2010

'Abolish vernacular schools': Samy sees red

KUALA LUMPUR: MIC president S Samy Vellu is infuriated by the Malay Consultative Council 's (MPM) call to abolish vernacular schools in the country.
He said the call was “mischievous, smacked of racism and above all, went against the Federal Constitution”.

The veteran politician stressed that such remarks were uncalled for and should be stopped immediately as it might lead to unwanted consequences.

“Tamil and Chinese schools are here to stay,” he said. “No one should question their existence.”

The MIC president said he was sad that there were still those who continued to harp on the existence of vernacular schools.

“I hope individuals and groups under the guise of NGOs will be more sensitive and understand the history of the country and the people,” he said.

Samy Vellu also vowed that MIC would ensure that Tamil schools continued to flourish with the assistance of the government.

MPM had urged the government to abolish vernacular schools in favour of a single national school system.

In another development, the MIC president also condemned the action by demonstrators who had thrown faeces into the Malaysian Embassy’s compound in Jakarta last Monday.

“No individual or groups must resort to this kind of action as it will hurt the relationship between Malaysia and Indonesia,” he said.

He was commenting on the action by the Benteng Demokrasi Rakyat (Bendera) group, whose members had also stomped on the Jalur Gemilang and smeared it with faeces.

He called on Jakarta to take firm action against the demonstrators to ensure it was not repeated.

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