Holding Court by Ding Jo-Ann | 16 August 2010 | The Nut Graph,
Gani Patail
Public incredulity at this turn of events was only to be expected especially since Teoh’s mysterious death, after being interrogated by a government agency, has generated widespread public interest. But can the AG’s Chambers legally introduce the note at this late stage in the inquest? Can the court reject the note considering the questions surrounding its sudden emergence?
And what does this incident reveal about the conduct of the AG’s Chambers? Can they be entrusted with carrying out inquests and criminal prosecutions fairly and openly?
Finding the truth
Criminal lawyer Datuk Baljit Singh Sidhu says the AG’s Chambers is allowed to introduce the note, even at this late stage. “The magistrate cannot disregard the evidence. He [or she] must examine all evidence which could have led to the death,” Baljit says in a phone interview.
Baljit Singh (pic courtesy of Baljit Singh)
Baljit however says the magistrate still needs to allow interested parties to have the document examined by experts and to recall witnesses to deal with possible new lines of questioning. “Everything must be done in the interest of justice to ascertain the cause of [Teoh's] death,” he stresses.
But what can we make of the extremely late disclosure of this potentially crucial piece of evidence? “I’m speechless,” Baljit says. “One moment the AG’s Chambers say they want to be transparent and fair in all proceedings, the next, this happens.”
Playing fair
What happens if the prosecution fails to disclose evidence before the trial?
This is despite the fact that under a 2006 amendment to the Criminal Procedure Code (CPC), the prosecution is now obliged to disclose to the defence all the evidence they intend to tender before the trial begins. But what happens if the prosecution fails to do so? Are there sanctions imposed on the prosecution? Can the evidence be disregarded?
Baljit says no. “The courts have been saying [the requirement under section 51A to disclose all the evidence that will be tendered before trial] is only directory, not mandatory. If the evidence is not produced within the time stipulated, it’s not fatal.”
Richard Wee (pic courtesy of Richard Wee)
The CPC amendments also require the prosecution to produce a “written statement of facts favourable to the defence.”
“Yes, they do sometimes give us the statement,” says lawyer Richard Wee in a phone interview. “But all the statement says is, ‘There are no facts favourable to the defence’. But my clients still get acquitted so there must have been some facts in our favour otherwise how were they found not guilty?”
“I demand to see my lawyer”
“The prosecution’s job is to uphold justice in the public interest,” notes Baljit. “They should not be overzealous. It’s prosecution, not persecution.”
Winning on merit
The objective of the CPC amendments was to provide balance to the prosecution and defence. Crucial evidence should not be hidden from the defence, or in the case of an inquest, interested parties. After all, isn’t the purpose of such proceedings to establish the truth and dispense justice?
The prosecution should not have to rely on underhanded tactics and “cat and mouse games” to successfully secure a conviction. In an ideal world, the investigation of an offence should be so thorough that even if all the available evidence were revealed to the defence, the prosecution would still be able to prove beyond reasonable doubt that the accused was guilty.
Our law can probably still be amended further to make the balance between the prosecution and defence more equal. But if the police and prosecution could just start by complying with the spirit of the 2006 amendments, it would already create a more equitable situation.
It is not just the final verdict or outcome in a court case that is important. It is also the manner in which that conclusion was reached that determines whether or not the public have confidence in that verdict. The justice system can only gain credibility if its actors are transparent, open and fair in their dealings with each other.
The late Teoh Beng Hock
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